Hace 12 años | Por perku a linuxhispano.net
Publicado hace 12 años por perku a linuxhispano.net

No había oído hablar de esta licencia, y rondando unos códigos la encontré. Básicamente se trata de una licencia de software otorgada bajo unos términos muy libres. Se puede copiar, modificar y distribuir sin mencionar al autor, aunque nos sugieren comentárselo o invitarle a algo. En fin, una licencia curiosa pero que pierde la filosofía libre de GNU/Linux.



Aunque no se explique en este artículo, el desarrollador de FreeBSD, Poul-Henning Kamp, ha liberado muchísimo software bajo esta licencia, que hoy en día es utilizado en multitud de sistemas operativos, sistemas empotrados de Cisco, etc.


Beerware, am I really serious ?


(I have included the text of the beerware license below so you can see what this is about.)

I have had it with lawyers trying to interpret freedom. If I write software which I intend to give away, I don't want to have to stick several pages of legalese on it to make sure nobody exploits it or any such meta-bable. If I have decided that I'll give away some code I've written, I going to give it away, period, none of this "unless it is worth a million to somebody" rubbish.

I think the GNU license is a joke, it fights the capitalism it so much is against with their own tools, and no company is ever going to risk any kind of proximity to so many so vague statements assembled in a license.

I think the BSD-lite license, which most of the FreeBSD people use now is pretty much OK, but I'm going to stick to my beerware license anyway.

And quite frankly, I think I have gotten much more out of my beerware license than most people have from their GNU or BSD licenses. Cisco use my password scrambler and netscape used my malloc implementation, and I know of a couple of other companies that use it too, but which for reasons I can understand doesn't want to disclose this to the public.

I do like to hear what people is using my code for though, but I have deliberately not made that a requirement, if people don't want me to know, they shouldn't have to tell me.


A ver si el que lo redacta cree que alguna vez un autor de un programa en estos términos ha sido invitado a cerveza. Vamos, que no digo que no haya pasado, pero lo pongo en duda.


Vaya tonteria