Hace 4 años | Por CoreyCole a ahtribune.com
Publicado hace 4 años por CoreyCole a ahtribune.com

Por eso no me he centrado mucho en la carrera presidencial de EE.UU., a pesar de que las primarias demócratas han sido muy intensas. Aunque creo que la carrera puede ser una herramienta útil para forzar a los propagandistas del establishment a exponerse (el neoconservador virulento que abogaba por el "nunca Trump", Bret Stephens, salió en apoyo de Trump en el caso de que el candidato demócrata fuera alguien de tendencia más izquierdista que Pete Buttigeig, por ejemplo), el resultado de las elecciones de 2020 no va a cambiar mucho.



muy buen articulo #0

Originally the term deep state referred not to one political party, nor to some shadowy cabal of Illuminati or Satanists or reptilians, but to the simple and undeniable fact that unelected power structures exist and tend to influence America’s official elected government. It wasn’t a conspiracy theory, it was a concept used in political analysis to describe how US government agencies and plutocrats form loose alliances with each other and with official Washington to influence government policy and behavior.


Whenever I point out that the current administration has been advancing many longstanding agendas of the CIA and neoconservative war pigs–agendas like military expansionism, imprisoning Assange, regime change interventionism in Iran and Venezuela, and reigniting the Cold War–his supporters always come in saying “If he’s working for the establishment how come the establishment is working so hard to get rid of him, huh?”


This will also hold true if Sanders miraculously makes his way through another rigged primary, and then through whatever sabotage gets thrown his way in the general election. Sure he might be able to sign a few somewhat beneficial executive orders and we probably wouldn’t see him flirting with an Iran war, but US imperialism will march on more or less unimpeded and his popular progressive domestic policies would require congress to successfully implement. At best he’d be a mild reformer who uses the bully pulpit to help spread awareness while being narrative managed on all sides by the billionaire media, and any changes he manages to squeak through which inconvenience the establishment at all will be reversed by a subsequent administration.


You wouldn’t know it from reading the billionaire media, but the Yellow Vests protests in France are still going on and have remained widespread for more than a year now. This lack of coverage is partially due to the fact that establishment narrative managers are responsible for conveying the idea that the only governments whose citizens dislike them are those which haven’t been absorbed into the imperial blob like China and Iran. But it’s also because the propagandists don’t want us getting any ideas.