Hace 8 años | Por mis2centavos a csoonline.com
Publicado hace 8 años por mis2centavos a csoonline.com

Una base de datos mal configurada ha llevado a la exposición de los datos personales de 191 millones de votantes en los EE.UU.


Qué datos contiene (puede cambiar)
"The database contains a voter's full name (first, middle, last), their home address, mailing address, a unique voter ID, state voter ID, gender, date of birth, date of registration, phone number, a yes/no field for if the number is on the national do-not-call list, political affiliation, and a detailed voting history since 2000. In addition, the database contains fields for voter prediction scores."
"This code is unique to Nation Builder. It's shorthand for Nation Builder Election Center Precinct Code. In my case, that code is: 18097-Marion-Center (Marion County, Center Township).
As for the voter ID, my voter record uses a voter ID code consisting of 32 letters and numbers separated by dashes: 058a902b-4e1d-4989-8fdb-4976f48fbfb6
Y -->
"There are other long term issues too. The personal information in this database, including political affiliation, date of birth, could be used to construct a targeted Phishing campaign."

No veas, la web que cita, tiene de todo http://www.databreaches.net/
#0 te he añadido [ENG]


el sql injection no morirá nunca lol


Menuda cagada!


#1 en España sería ilegal recoger los datos de "political affiliation, and a detailed voting history".