Hace 1 año | Por XavierGEltroll a youtube.com
Publicado hace 1 año por XavierGEltroll a youtube.com

God save the queen The fascist regime They made you a moron A potential H bomb God save the queen She's not a human being and There's no future And England's dreaming


Al final no la salvó.


Quería subir el vídeo, y menos mal que busqué por si alguien lo había subido primero


#2 clap clap clap


#0 qué original, seguro que nadie lo había pensado



Great Hits


Ya solo nos queda Jordi Hurtado


#8 Cierto...


Duro bastante más que sid vicious


¿Y para qué quieren los Sex Pistols que se afehite la reina?




#2 Iba a ponerte que si ves la luz al final de túnel es el tren que se acerca, pero me salió esto


#12 ¿No serás profesor de inglés? Porque el mío hacía ese chisté


#15 No, no soy profesor de ingles, pero me gusta estar entre ellas


Que mediocres eran por God! Me gustaba más el señor Podrido en la época de PiL


#1 no se atrevieron a ponerlo por escrito, pero lo pronunciaban como "shave".


Otra más: Sons Of Kemet - Your Queen Is A Reptile

Your Queen considers herself our better; by right of blood, by way of lineage, by grace of conquest, by the reason of tyranny, by the confidence of tradition. Your Queen asserts this message through her crown, her church, her parliament, her loyal subjects, her wealth, her relationship with the media and the British empire, who celebrate her lifestyle, her fashion, her cuisine and her culture. Your Queen is financed by our taxes, which in turn validate the injustice of class and race discrimination of Great Britain: That some are born superior, and deserve more because of where they’re from, or who they worship, or who their parents are. Your Queen Is Not Our Queen. She does not see us as human.

And we see ourselves as human. We judge our worth, not by Christmas speeches or golden jubilees, but by deeds. Our Queens walked among us. Our Queens led by action, by example, our Queens listened. Our Queens made bright futures out of cruel and unfair pasts. Our Queens cried and laughed with us. Our Queens knew they were just like us from the beginning, not just when it suited them.Our Queens are just like us, and we are human. We need new royalty. Your Queen Is A Reptile.



A ver si te gusta más...


#20 Esta version es mucho mejor que la original de Sex Pistols


Yo creo que dicen: "her fascist regime"


#21 Estoy de acuerdo