Hace 9 años | Por pablisako a ivoox.com
Publicado hace 9 años por pablisako a ivoox.com

Programa de radio. Por primera vez en España. Entrevistamos a Michael J. Springmann autor de ""Visas para Al-Qaeda"" Programa: El Vórtice. Canal: El Vórtice Radio. Tiempo: 01:28:54. Subido 30/07.



De la Wikipedia

J. Michael Springmann was the former head of the American visa bureau in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in the Reagan and former Bush administrations, from September 1987 through March 1989. While stationed in Saudi Arabia, Springmann was "ordered by high level State Dept officials to issue visas to unqualified applicants". Springmann states that these applicants were terrorist recruits of Osama Bin Laden, who were being sent to the United States in order to obtain training from the C.I.A.. Springmann has issued complaints to "higher authorities at several agencies", but they've been unanswered. The State Department has stated that the consular officer had final authority in issuing the visas, not Springmann. Following Springmann's complaints, he was fired by the State Department.


Michael J. Springmann era funcionario de EE.UU en Arabia Saudita encargado de dar los visados para poder entrar en EE.UU. De repente, gente muy rara empieza a solicitar visados, el rechaza estas peticiones, pero su jefe revoca sus decisiones. Un día el jefe de la CIA en Arabia Saudita le dice que hay un Iraní que necesita un visado... Springmann empieza a preguntar y empiezan las cosas raras, raras, raras




Lo de Al Qaeda es bien sabido.

Lo del ISIS... puf... pajote mental.