Hace 13 años | Por alehopio a brainz.org
Publicado hace 13 años por alehopio a brainz.org

Cuando se llevan a cabo experimentos, es inherentemente un elemento de lo desconocido. Después de todo, se está tratando de averiguar cosas que no se conocen. Y a veces, las cosas van mal. Fatalmente mal. Éstos son algunos de los más inquietantes, más intrigantes, y a veces más horribles, experimentos mortales de los últimos tiempos. Ordenados de menor a mayor horror...



Y esto es solo lo que ha llegado a saberse.
Da miedo pensar que es lo que permanecera oculto.


Jellyfish Babies: Birth Defects of Nuclear Radiation

DOE has produced studies that "prove" these people are not suffering from radiation. This research conveniently fails to account for the environmental causes of disease, placing the blame on the Native peoples actions. This leaves the government unaccountable for their policies of environmental contamination.

"jellyfish babies" These babies are born like jellyfish. They have no heads. They have no arms. They do not shape like human-beings at all. But they are being born on the labour table. Some of them have hairs on them. And they breathe. This ugly thing only lives for a few hours. They do not allow the mother to see this kind of baby because she will go crazy.

