Hace 7 años | Por roster a schneier.com
Publicado hace 7 años por roster a schneier.com

Over the past year or two, someone has been probing the defenses of the companies that run critical pieces of the Internet. These probes take the form of precisely calibrated attacks designed to determine exactly how well these companies can defend themselves, and what would be required to take them down. We don't know who is doing this, but it feels like a large nation state. China or Russia would be my first guesses.


Pero... ¿Han avisado a los sabios de internet de que están escribiendo google en el google?

¿Stephen Hawkings se ha pronunciado al respecto y a procedido a desmagenetizar internet?


Me quedo con el siguiente comentario:

My feeling says it's either

* CloudFlare or similar. In that case we're fine.
* Level3 or similar. In that case we're fine.
* *.root-servers.net. That won't take down "the internet" though, just DNS resolution. However, since so many services depend on that, people who don't know how to use the internet without DNS, like 99% of its user, would be shut off. Still, you would still be able to reach any server by IP.

I guess I should take the link to VeriSign as a hint that it's root-servers.net. Too bad that these articles have to be so vague all the time because of the "anonimity" excuse. That doesn't help anyone, it just spreads FUD.


Alguien está buscando Tnetennba


Una pena que la entradilla no esté traducida (#0) y que nadie haya puesto por aquí que Bruce Schreiner no es un mindundi que no tiene ni idea de lo que habla, sino una puta eminencia en el campo de la criptografía y la seguridad informática https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Schneier