Hace 13 años | Por alehopio a edition.cnn.com
Publicado hace 13 años por alehopio a edition.cnn.com

Las autoridades nacionales japonesas indican que en mayo los suicidios repuntaron hasta los 3281 casos, un 18% más que el años anterior, tras quebrar el mes anterior la tendencia a la disminución por las campañas realizadas desde las instituciones. La Agencia de la Policía comentó que no sabían si este aumento tenía relación con el reciente desastre sufrido por el país.



Suicides top 3,000 in May

More than 3,200 people killed themselves in Japan last month, exceeding the 3,000 mark for the first time in 2 years.

The National Police Agency says the number of suicides totaled 3,281 in May, up 499, or 18 percent, from a year earlier.

By prefecture, Tokyo topped the list with 325 suicides, followed by 210 in Kanagawa and 206 in Osaka.

In areas hit by the March 11th earthquake and tsunami, Fukushima saw an increase of 19 suicides to 68. The figure for Miyagi was unchanged at 50 while Iwate saw a decline of 3 to 32.

Until March, suicides had been on the decline since last year. The government had stepped up prevention measures, including opening numerous counseling counters.

After the disaster in March, however, the figure increased for the next 2 months.

The police agency says it does not know whether the disaster is related to the increase. It says it will make detailed analyses of individual cases in cooperation with the Cabinet Office and other ministries.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011 09:46 +0900 (JST)


7 September 2010
Suicides cost Japan economy $32bn

Japan has one of the world's highest suicide rates, with more than 32,000 people killing themselves last year.


Suicide in Japan

Suicides traced to losing jobs surged 65.3 percent while those attributed to hardships in life increased 34.3 percent. Depression remained at the top of the list for the third year in a row, rising 7.1 percent from the previous year.


Pues para muchas cosas Japón es un ejemplo, pero en este sentido esa sociedad está enferma.