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Archivo personal del piloto de helicópteros P. Rzeminski. Las fotos fueron sacadas por Rzeminski en el período de tiempo que va desde agosto de 1968 a diciembre de 1969 durante la Guerra de Vietnam.



Enlace de primera, gracias


Gran aporte y dice el blog que tiene cientos de fotos que irá editando próximamente, posee dos C.disk


para todos aquellos que se pajean con los huey les presento a la tuerca de cristo
llamada asi porque si fallaba la tripulacion del aparato solo podia rezar a cristo para salvarse.


#9. Dame tú las cifras de Vietnam y te doy yo las de las hambrunas intencionadas en Ucrania y las de la carretera de los huesos en el extremo oriente. Las de las ejecuciones sumarias postguerra civil, los pogromos y las purgas en los gulags las contabilizamos aparte, que en ese punto parece que nadie se pone de acuerdo.
¡Menudo animal el carnicero georgiano...!


#c-11" class="content-link" style="color: rgb(227, 86, 20)" data-toggle="popover" data-popover-type="comment" data-popover-url="/tooltip/comment/3060859/order/11">#11. lol ¿"Naturaleza intrínsecamente genocida" de quién? ¿La de Occidente, así, en general?
Menuda bestiada sin pies ni cabeza. Me troncho.

Ese comentario es tan absurdo que no merece contestación. Aun así, ahí va esto para que te entretengas, y he procurado buscar fuentes rusas, o al menos no occidentales:

● Alex Novikov
About 11 millions of people -this information lays in Russian's school history textbooks, so it's official information.
A lot of human rights' activists point to about 30-38 million, including victims of military errors, repressions and personal enemies.
By the way, numbers of victims of WWII are about 27 million (as school history textbook state), or about 35 million (according to estimates by Russian human rights activists).
Read more on here:

It is arguable who was responsible for the earliest killings of the War Communism era, from 1917 onwards, but Lenin himself gave warnings about Stalin. The first Concentration Camp in Europe was founded in Soviet Russia in 1923, during the time when Lenin was almost dead with Syphilis.
As well as his predecessor, the next supreme soviet leader, Nikita Krushev, was extremely critic about Stalin's reign of terror and condemned his massive crimes insinuating he murdered a million per year of ruling.

Estos enlaces son a la Wikipedia rusa, pásales un traductor, que son interesantes. El Gran Terror y los campos de trabajo/gulags son sólo dos ejemplos; pero te aconsejo buscar más información sobre la carretera de Kolimá, también llamada de los huesos (2 millones de presos políticos muertos y enterrados allí, y cuyos huesos se usaron como árido poroso para el firme), o sobre las hambrunas ucranianas y del sur ruso, el Holodomor de 1932-35 (otros siete millones de difuntos, según quien contabilice)

■ Great purge - up to 681 692 deaths in period between 1921-1953 (Большой террор — Википедия)

■ Labor camps (incorrectly known in west as GULag) - 1606748 (ГУЛАГ — Википедия)
In total ~6 588 440 deaths directly linked to Stalin's orders.

■ There is a sociological study that assesses human losses for the period 1917-1959:
Три цифры. О людских потерях за период с 1917 по 1959 гг.
According to the study loss of people is evaluated in 110 million people. Only 40% of this number died in wars, and 60% are the result of the work of the "effective manager" Stalin.”

No es la estimación más prudente de todas las que he leído, pero muy por debajo de otras que hablan de entre veinte y sesenta millones de muertes (y hasta de cien), según se consideren directamente imputables a órdenes directas de ejecución para rivales o disidentes firmadas por el propio Stalin o el NVKP, o se achaquen a bajas de guerra o crímenes de guerra (o venganzas por crímenes previos de las SS, Wehrmacht, minorías ucranianas, bálticas o judías), o a negligencia o dolo en la gestión de hambrunas como el Holodomor en Ucrania de 1929-32, o si las muertes del régimen en países satélites de la URSS se consideran o no en la cuenta.

Son muchas las diferencias de criterio para hacer la cuenta, pero todos los historiadores serios coinciden en que las cifras son monstruosas, millones arriba o abajo.
Bastante más altas que las del holocausto nazi, y rivalizando en magnitud con las matanzas japonesas en Asia-Oceanía del período 1935-45.
La gran diferencia con aquellos otros salvajes es que el hijo de la gran puta de Stalin, junto a Lenin, masacraba a gente de su propio país, principalmente.

Y no te molestes en contestar, porque, por experiencia, con fanáticos de ultraizquierda y reaccionarios neomarxistas con morriña de épocas trasnochadas del socialismo soviético es una completa pérdida de tiempo debatir.

Metéoslo en la cabeza, el capitalismo y la socialdemocracia lucharon codo con codo contra dos putas lacras de la Humanidad felizmente superadas filosófica y dialécticamente, y derrotadas físicamente, cual fueron el nazismo y el socialismo. Y vencieron, a unos por las armas, y a otros por agotamiento autoritario y colapso económico y social, de pura incongruencia e incompetencia.
Y el neosocialismo/neomarxismo o su enaltecimiento debería estar igual de perseguido legalmente que el neonazismo en cualquier sociedad democrática.

Y ya, si tienes mucho interés y paciencia, sigo con las fuentes:

● How many people did Stalin Kill?
Specific numbers and dates and events would be good.
In his book, “Unnatural Deaths in the U.S.S.R.: 1928-1954,” Russian historian I.G. Dyadkin estimated that the USSR suffered 56 to 62 million "unnatural deaths" during that period, with 34 to 49 million directly linked to Stalin.

Historian's estimates disagree, but 30 million is about the median. Twentieth Century Atlas - Death Tolls

A. Sohlzhenitsn’s estimate is 60 million. Many historians are up there also in their estimates.

● Or to break it down, minimally, the purges of the 1930s, 1.2 to 10 million, 12 million in the Gulag, 7 million peasants in the Ukrainian Holodomor, a few more million dying from forced expatriation (such as the Crimean Tatars sent to Kazakhstan) and as Stalin said famously, "One person’s death is a tragedy; one million deaths, just an statistic".

● Why such massive killing?
Iosif Stalin. One of the most ruthless leaders of the 20th century. He was the leader of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics from 1922/1924 untill his death in 1953. He was a leader who had near total control over his country. He is often seen as a dictator in all but name.
When talking about the deaths which occured under Stalin’s rule, the answer mainly depends on your source.
We nowadays know that Stalin, although a strong leader who industrialised the Soviet Union and did many good things, also killed many millions. Estimates vary wildly; From 2–3 million to a staggering 60 million deaths. Many historians settle on roughly 20 million deaths.

In general, though, many historians and sources see Stalin’s policies, purges, and the Gulag system as main causes of deaths under his rule.

According to historian John Heidenrich, in his book “How to Prevent Genocide: A Guide to Policymakers, Scholars, and the Concerned Citizen” the death toll can be split into three main groups

-Kulaks/Forced Collectivisation and all its results: 7 Million.
-The Gulags: 12 Million.
-Purges: 1,2 Million.
Which amounts to a total of 20,2 million.

Another author, Robert Conquest, in his book “The Great Terror: A Reassesment” divides the death toll differently: In time periods, not categories:
-1930–36: 7 Million.
-1937–38: 3 Million.
-1939–53: 10 Million.
Again, the total is roughly 20 million deaths.

The amount of explicitly ordered deaths is seen as relatively low in comparison (usually estimated at 1,5 million).

● Stalin aborted the 1937 census allegedly because the result was 10 million lower than what would be expected with the contemporary birth rate. The 10 million is mainly made up of victims of the several famines that swept the USSR in the early 30s. The Ukrainian famine (Holodomor) took away about 3–5 million according to different estimations. The Kazakh famine wiped out 38% of Soviet Kazakhstan’s population. So here’s 10 million.

The other 10 million are those who were victimized after 1937. That include the 1.2 million victims of the Great Purge, in which all of the USSR’s ethnic minorities except for Georgians (Stalin’s own) were targeted; Polish citizens killed by Soviet occupation force; gulag casualties; resettlement; etc.

Vadim Dmitriev: How many people died under Stalin's rule?
■ Great purge - up to 681 692 in period between 1921 - 1953 (Большой террор)
■ Famine in 1932–1933 - 3.3 mill in Ukraine and 1 mill in Russia (Holodomor)
- According to historian T. Snyder, the recorded figure of excess deaths was 2.4 million. However, Snyder claims that this figure is "substantially low" due to many deaths going unrecorded. Snyder states that demographic calculations carried out by the Ukrainian government provide a figure of 3.89 million dead, and opined that the actual figure is likely between these two figures, approximately 3.3 million deaths to starvation and disease related to the starvation in Ukraine from 1932 to 1933. Snyder also estimates that of the million people who died in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from famine at the same time)

● Sergey Babkin.
All the numbers available are estimations. The specific documents are still secret. And many documents have been destroyed, and many mass murders went undocumented or poorly documented (the documents were created only for the people who were considered important enough to arrest first, not for the villagers wiped out for resistance to communism). There also are different ways to count: for example:
Do you consider the people killed in the Soviet military service, with its tradition of drowning the enemies with bodies of own soldiers, killed by the regime or not?
Do you consider the whole WWII driven and encouraged by Stalin’s regime or not?
Do you include only the people within USSR or the people from the occupied Eastern European countries too?

Also, Stalin wasn’t the first communist leader in the USSR, it started as Lenin’s regime, and a good deal of the “burgeoise” were killed in USSR during Lenin’s tenure. Do you want to count them together or separately from Stalin?

Overall it’s probably safe to say that no matter how you count, 1 million is the certain lower bound, and probably something like 30 millions the upper bound.

● A 2013 International Business Times article named “How Many Peopl

■ Labor camps (incorrectly known in west as GULag) - 1606748 (ГУЛАГ — Википедия)
In total ~6 588 440 deaths directly linked to Stalin's orders.

■ There is a sociological study that assesses human losses for the period 1917-1959:
Три цифры. О людских потерях за период с 1917 по 1959 гг.


#4 ...y que sólo fallaba en contadísimas ocasiones; en parte por la robustez del perno, y en parte porque revisar el anclaje formaba parte insoslayable de la lista de comprobaciones prevuelo.


#1. ¡Pobre sudeste asiático!, tan virginal, casto y puro él, en su soviética deriva interruptus.


#7. Y antes de ese, contra el español, y antes de ese contra el Jemer o el chino.
¿Iba la cosa de la perversa colonización guerrera americana o de qué iba?, que ya no me aclaro.


#6 en términos porcentuales mataron más los EEUU en Vietnam que Stalin en la URSS. Toda una muestra de hasta dónde puede llegar el cinismo del hombre blanco.


#10 los muertos de Stalin: la mayor trola que se ha colado en la historiografia moderna. Todo un cliché de la propaganda occidental para tapar su naturaleza intrínsecamente genocida


#12 claro que si, 100 millones en una población de 200. A lo loco!

De nuestra tradicion genocida te pueden hablar los africanos, los latinoamericanos, los asiaticos... Hasta los europeos. Pero hace falta ponerse a leer por debajo de las toneladas de propaganda que llevamos comido durante décadas.


#6 De virginal nada. Vietnam llevaba años luchando contra el colonialismo francés, ya tenían bastante experiencia poniendo trampas mortales por la selva.