Hace 7 años | Por ioxoi a es.gatestoneinstitute.org
Publicado hace 7 años por ioxoi a es.gatestoneinstitute.org

Pregunta: ¿cómo obtienen los palestinos enfermos permiso para recibir tratamiento médico en los hospitales de Israel y otros lugares del mundo? Respuesta: pagando sobornos a los altos funcionarios palestinos de la Margen Occidental y la Franja de Gaza.



#0 West Bank se traduce en castellano como Cisjordania.


#1 la traducción no es mía es de la noticia.


No te lo perdonaré jamás, Hamás. Jamás.


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Nina Rosenwald
is an American political activist and philanthropist. An heiress to the Sears Roebuck fortune, Rosenwald is vice president of the William Rosenwald Family Fund and co-chair of the board of American Securities Management.[2] She is the founder and president of Gatestone Institute,[3][4] a New York-based think tank and policy council. A descendant of philanthropists and Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe, Rosenwald has focused on donating to pro-Israel organizations. She has been described as "an ardent Zionist all her life".[5] Some critics have categorized her and the Gatestone Institute as anti-Muslim.[6][7] Muslims affiliated with the Gatestone Institute have come to her defense in response to this accusation.

Grayson Levy