Hace 17 años | Por mezvan a diarioti.com
Publicado hace 17 años por mezvan a diarioti.com

[c&p] "Bruce Schenier, director técnico de la compañía Counterpane Internet Security, asegura que no existen soluciones técnicas cabales para el problema de la seguridad informática. 'La solución es más bien de tipo técnico o económico'. 'Internet es la máquina más complicada que se haya creado en la historia. Esto explica por qué la seguridad también ha empeorado', indica Schneier."



Aparte de ser un artículo muy cortito (unas pocas frases sacadas de contexto) creo que la noticia es errónea.

Para saber qué piensa Bruce Schneier sobre los hackers, recomiendo leer un post suyo de hace unos días en su blog:

"That's security hacking: breaking a system by thinking differently.
It all sounds criminal: recovering encrypted text, fooling signature algorithms, breaking protocols. But honestly, that's just the way we security people talk. Hacking isn't criminal.

For years I have refused to play the semantic "hacker" vs. "cracker" game. There are good hackers and bad hackers, just as there are good electricians and bad electricians. "Hacker" is a mindset and a skill set; what you do with it is a different issue.

We need these people in security, and we need them on our side. Criminals are always trying to figure out how to break security systems. Field a new system -- an ATM, an online banking system, a gambling machine -- and criminals will try to make an illegal profit off it. They'll figure it out eventually, because some hackers are also criminals. But if we have hackers working for us, they'll figure it out first -- and then we can defend ourselves".



"no existen soluciones técnicas cabales para el problema"
