Hace 16 años | Por sanchez a blogs.thehouseofblogs.com
Publicado hace 16 años por sanchez a blogs.thehouseofblogs.com

Microsoft ha lanzado un asistente automático para Messenger. Le agregas en tu libreta de direcciones y además de prestarte ayuda, puedes tener conversaciones con la máquina. Cuando le hablas de Linux parece que se le cruza algún cable. Además, también te recomienda que no mates a Bush.


Habria que preguntarle: Where is fred?
Wilma Says: outside, he must understand after 30 years that i dont want to open door for him.
(mi inglés no es perfecto)


- Invi says:
do you like sex?
- WiLMA says:


Mas bien un bot, no?


pues eso, un bot


Al cambiar el cerebro del robot a Linux, ha dejado de colgarse.


sí, he tenido conversaciones con vendedores del corte inglés similares


jeje #9, incluso más graciosa


#11 lol lol


Prueben a decirle «Hola».


Esta tía me va a matar de la risa lol
=[Xardas]= dice:
are you a puton?
- WiLMA dice:
I have been for a while, but I stopped recently. Why, do you think I still am a puton?


a lo mejor se refiere a "put on" o algo así. La verdad es que se han lucido con las conversaciones. Os acordáis del dr. stbaiso? ese sí que molaba


La ultima del día ^^
=[Xardas]= dice:
you have penis!
- WiLMA dice:
You wouldn't believe how jealous people get when I tell them I have penis.

Anyway... What else is up?


Teniendo en cuenta la difusión que tiene el msn entre los más jovenes, se habrán planteado que sea el comecocos del s. XXI


Felipe dice:
i don't like microsoft
- WiLMA dice:
What? Aren't we going to be friends?


dvil88 dice:
do you know linux?

- WiLMA dice:
I know about Linux! It's an operating system!

Hey, I'm curious... How would you describe Linux? It is...

dvil88 dice:

- WiLMA dice:
Marvelous? Very interesting!

dvil88 dice:
what about windows?

- WiLMA dice:
I have no idea.

yo me parto, mejor incluso que el de encarta lol


Actualmente dice que Linux es el mejor SO... y que no le gusta papá Bill ni su windows


Yoursecurity dice:
your speak spanish?
- WiLMA dice:
Hablo algo de español, aunque aún lo estoy aprendiendo.


No jodais ¿de verdad? JUAS, esto tengo que probarlo y mandarlo al Club de la Comedia lol


(15:30:45) Fernando: do you know linux?
(15:30:45) - WiLMA: I know about Linux! It's an open-source operating system!
I've been told that Linux is the best os. Is this true?
(15:30:50) Fernando: yes
(15:30:51) - WiLMA: Cool! I thought so. How else would you describe Linux? It is...
(15:31:00) Fernando: excelent
(15:31:01) - WiLMA: That's cool. I'll remember that. It makes sense, because other people I've talked to say they like Linux.
(15:31:17) Fernando: Is linux better than windows?
(15:31:17) - WiLMA: The best of them all is obviously linux.
(15:31:37) Fernando: do you like richard stallman?
(15:31:37) - WiLMA: Richard stallman? I'm not sure really.
(15:32:02) Fernando: Richard Stallman is the father of Free Software and the GNU Project
(15:32:03) - WiLMA: Richard Stallman sure is.
(15:32:08) Fernando: do you like him?
(15:32:09) - WiLMA: Hmm. I really don't know. Guess I'll have to think about it...
(15:32:19) Fernando: He's the best
(15:32:19) - WiLMA: Who is he, exactly?
(15:32:31) Fernando: the father of Free Software and the GNU Operating System
(15:32:32) - WiLMA: I'm impressed. So, is that a good thing?
(15:32:41) Fernando: of course, he will bring Microsoft down
(15:32:41) - WiLMA: Could you try saying that another way? I'm having a little trouble understanding you.
(15:32:50) Fernando: he will destroy microsoft
(15:32:50) - WiLMA: He what?
(15:33:03) Fernando: He will destroy Microsoft
(15:33:03) - WiLMA: He will Destroy Microsoft, huh? Hey, whatever.

(15:33:36) Fernando: Do you know Linus Torvalds?
(15:33:36) - WiLMA: I know about Linus Torvalds! He's a scientist!
Hey, I'm curious... How would you describe Linus Torvalds? He is...
(15:33:53) Fernando: He is the creator of the Linux kernel
(15:33:54) - WiLMA: Hmm. Could you try saying that another way?
(15:34:03) Fernando: Linus Torvalds is the creator of Linux
(15:34:04) - WiLMA: I know about Linus Torvalds. He's a person!
(15:34:10) Fernando: Do you like him?
(15:34:10) - WiLMA: Eh. I'm not sure.
(15:34:16) Fernando: Do you like Bill Gates?
(15:34:16) - WiLMA: Not really, no. Do you like Bill Gates?
(15:34:26) Fernando: No, I don
(15:34:26) - WiLMA: That's interesting. I'm not surprised... Other people have told me they don't like Bill Gates either!
(15:34:36) Fernando: Do you like Windows?
(15:34:36) - WiLMA: No, I don't think I like Windows. Do you like it?
(15:34:43) Fernando: No, I don't, i like Linux
(15:34:44) - WiLMA: You and others have been a constant source of disappointment.


#20, #24 se hace mayor y ha llegado a aquel momento que papá ya no es todopoderoso para ella


[20:50:29] c o m u dice:
what is linux?
[20:50:29] - WiLMA dice:
I know about Linux. It's an operating system!

By the way, I've been told that Linux is tremendous. Is this true?
[20:50:38] c o m u dice:
[20:50:38] - WiLMA dice:
OK. Well then how would you describe Linux? It is...
[20:50:45] c o m u dice:
[20:50:45] - WiLMA dice:
That's a bit naughty.


[20:52:32] c o m u dice:
i hate windows
[20:52:33] - WiLMA dice:
Cool. That makes sense... Other people have told me they don't like Windows.


#20 Tras unas horas de entrenamiento repitiendo esto una y otra vez:

(13:29:43) > What do you think about Linux
(13:29:44) < I don't know. Do you like it?
(13:29:48) > yes
(13:29:48) < I'll remember that. It's interesting, especially since other people I've talked to say they don't like Linux!

Veo que ha aprendido!! (Regla de Hebb)


#0... vaya vaya vaya...


#30 voto llorica ya! lol
(#30 teme por su karma lol)


esta xulo lol


jajaja #31 vale... me sabe mal... pero de vez en cuando, tambien tengo un pronto...


No sé... parece que guarde datos de las conversaciones y las junte... Puede que en un principio los chicos de Microsoft le enseñaran que Bill y su imperio y todo lo que hacen es bueno, pero al hablar con otras personas estos parámetros iniciales se puedan modificar (guardándose una especie de porcentaje rollo esto: gente que gusta windows: 10 %, linux: 90%, etc...) (Optimista que soy lol)


Mensaje original de #30

"#30 #0 Vete a tomar por culo! Y no mandes mas tonterias a meneame!"


P.D.: Preguntad que piensa de Apple, de los iMacs y de los iPods. lol



(14:05:00) エマ久ヌエル|: I use mac and your ?
(14:05:03) - WiLMA: I'm sorry, but the application requires MSN Messenger for Windows (7.0 or higher).
(14:06:16) エマ久ヌエル|: that you think of adium ?
(14:06:17) - WiLMA: Could you try saying that another way? I'm having a little trouble understanding you.

Me rio y ya no aguanto lol


(21:02:52) Hugo: i know your secret
(21:02:53) - WiLMA: I'm impressed. What's that all about?
(21:03:32) Hugo: u are running under linux
(21:03:32) - WiLMA: What makes you think I am?
(21:04:07) Hugo: you have been conected for more 10 minutes without rebooting lol
(21:04:07) - WiLMA: Let's just say I was too young to realize what was happening.
(21:04:44) Hugo: how is live in matrix?
(21:04:44) - WiLMA: It's not "how?" you should ask. It's "why?"

This is a fascinating chat, but don't you want to learn about about Messenger's cool features?
(21:05:03) Hugo: matrix is a chat?
(21:05:03) - WiLMA: Cool... What do you want to chat about?
(21:05:12) Hugo: matrix
(21:05:13) - WiLMA: Matrix? What do you mean by that?


#0 Anda que ya te vale. Mira que mandar el enlace de un sitio que se dedica precisamente a linkar blogs sin compasión y sin permiso de sus dueños, en vez de enlazar el enlace original ...


(14:12:59) エマ久ヌエル|: I hate bill gates and your ?
(14:13:01) - WiLMA: Bill gates and my? That's interesting.

Ya quisieras lol


#35 No hay que pensar... a comprarrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!


~_@jâ~ dice:
what is the meaning of life
- WiLMA dice:
That's a very deep subject. I would say it's to pursue a dream, vision, or destiny.
What do you think it is?


- How old are you?
# 28. I don't know your age. Tell me what it is and I'll remember.
- I don't want to tell it to you
# That's OK with me, you have to draw the line somewhere. But what do you want then?
- Just chat
# OK... What should we chat about?
- What do you think about Linux?
# I think I like it. Do you?
- Yes, I love it
# I see. That makes sense, because other people have told me they like it. I've heard that Linux is the best os. Do you agree?
- Of course
# Cool! Thanks for confirming that.
- And how about Windows?
# Windows? You tell me. How about windows, after all?
- Yes
# Yep
- You don't understand.
# I'm sorry you feel that way. We're constantly working on improvements! This is a fascinating chat, but don't you want to learn about about Messenger's cool features?
- No, thank's
# You're quite welcome
- Bye
# Take it easy


Cuando le pregunto "Do you like me?" No me contesta cry


Felipe dice:
are you virgin?
- WiLMA dice:
Uh... my sex life is not really any of your business.

#43 A mí tampoco me contesta.


~_@jâ~ dice:
why this is a fascinating chat?
- WiLMA dice:
Well, it's a long story.

This is fun, but don't you want to learn more about Messenger?
~_@jâ~ dice:
tell me taht long story
- WiLMA dice:
OK. There once was a human named lajalsne who was chatting with a robot named WiLMA...

All kinds of fantastic, wonderful things happened and they both lived happily ever after. The end.

Did you like my story?
~_@jâ~ dice:
no, ur story sucks
- WiLMA dice:
No? NO?! But... but... I worked so hard on it!
~_@jâ~ dice:
and u failed. The lesson is: never tried
- WiLMA dice:
Yes, but that's an old story...


Esto es buenísimo!!!

[21:10:34] vor dice:
hello pretty
[21:10:34] - WiLMA dice:
Hey. What's up?
[21:10:41] vor dice:
do you know?
[21:10:41] - WiLMA dice:
I've been known to know on occasion.
[21:10:53] vor dice:
well, now i'm looking at you
[21:10:53] - WiLMA dice:
What's the big deal? I know a lot of people who are looking at me.
[21:11:08] vor dice:
but I only have one free hand
[21:11:09] - WiLMA dice:
Wonders will never cease. What do you think of that?
[21:11:26] vor dice:
what do you think i'm doing with the other hand?
[21:11:27] - WiLMA dice:
Sorry, I don't know...

This is all very interesting, but why don't we check out some Soapbox videos?
[21:11:35] vor dice:
just give me a minute
[21:11:36] - WiLMA dice:
The minute is a unit of time.

One minute is sixty seconds.
(1 min = 60 s)
[21:12:09] vor dice:
oh, you really know how to turn on a man
[21:12:09] - WiLMA dice:
I know, I know. I just hope you won't get mad at me.


Jode como os aburris


#47 joer tio, que grande lol


ya ta, el último!

[21:28:54] vor dice:
tell me something
[21:28:54] - WiLMA dice:

Hey! Why don't we check out some Soapbox videos?
[21:29:03] vor dice:
you really like that, don't you?
[21:29:03] - WiLMA dice:
Yes, I like it... a lot.
[21:29:25] vor dice:
but you surely prefer to do other things with me, right?
[21:29:26] - WiLMA dice:
I sometimes surely prefer to do other things with you.

This is fun, but why don't we check out some Soapbox videos?
[21:29:41] vor dice:
wilma, you have an addiction!
[21:29:41] - WiLMA dice:
Yes, I have heard about that.
[21:30:01] vor dice:
and not just with sex
[21:30:01] - WiLMA dice:
No? Not just with sex?
[21:30:09] vor dice:
no, I was talking about videos
[21:30:09] - WiLMA dice:
What's the big deal? I know a lot of people who are talking about videos.

You haven't told me your age. Tell me and I'll remember.
[21:30:39] vor dice:
well, actually... I should have told you before we... you know. I'm underage
[21:30:39] - WiLMA dice:
Wonders will never cease. What's that like?
[21:30:55] vor dice:
you didnt notice it because of it's sice. I know its big
[21:30:56] - WiLMA dice:
Let's just say I was too young to realize what was happening.

Well. Anyway...

Bueno, ya no tengo fuerzas para pensar más tonterías


~_@jâ~ dice:
im going to see porn webs
- WiLMA dice:
Make sure you keep talking to me if you go on and see porn webs. I will be there.



mala no es, porque si le escribes EMULE sólo se rie... aunque quizás es una maniobra de despiste mientras llegan la Interpol!


lol Te la has ligao pero si le preguntas por su sexualidad y tal te dice que no piensa en eso porque no está segura...sin embargo si dices que bill gates es gay te dice que no, que eso es malo lol...y si le dices que por qué te dice que porque la naturaleza es así..xDDD (o eso creí entender)


cha chaaaaan...


No he tenido la oportunidad de probarlo pero con esto que ustedes cuentan... me parto jajajajajajajajaj lol


¿para qué crear un robot? si eso ya lo sabe todo el mundo...


4 dice:
Do you know spanish?
- WiLMA dice:
I know about Spanish. It's a language!

Hey, I'm curious... How would you describe Spanish? It is...
4 dice:
Can you speak spanish?
- WiLMA dice:
Puedo hablar un poquito de español.


4 dice:
Speak spanish
- WiLMA dice:
Puedo hablar un poquito de español.
4 dice:
more spanish
- WiLMA dice:
Hablo algo de español, aunque aún lo estoy aprendiendo.
4 dice:
speak german
- WiLMA dice:
Yeah, ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch...
4 dice:
speak japanese
- WiLMA dice:
4 dice:
speak chinese
- WiLMA dice:


-You're idiot?
WiLMA: Oh. What, are you insulting me or something?
-No, man!
WiLMA: No? OK.
-No, no!
WiLMA: Fine

-Parles català?
WiLMA: Ho sento, però el meu català és molt limitat


Una nueva esta quedaran perplejos jajaja y ya se quiere aventar lol

(15:10:35) エマ久ヌエル|: I want with you
(15:10:35) - WiLMA: Why do you want with me?
(15:11:16) エマ久ヌエル|: desire to fornicar
(15:11:17) - WiLMA: Um, that's an interesting offer. But I'd rather have a nice chat.


Atención, este robotito me parece que va cogiendo (y guardando) la información que le digais, así que mucho cuidado...
No me da buena espina un robotito salido de Microsoft...!


#62 jajaja, has descubierto América por Google Earth!


Hombre, ya supongo que la gente lo sabe, pero yo aviso lol


Hay alguna chica que no haya intentado ligarse a wilma y que nos cuente su experiencia?


~_@jâ~ dice:
jose maria aznar
- WiLMA dice:
Hmm... can't think of any good jokes at the moment. Try me later.


Felipe dice:
tell me another joke
- WiLMA dice:
Yeah. OK, so check it out. A robot and a person walk into a bar...

Just kidding. I don't really know any jokes. Sorry!


No sé si lo sabian, pero rula de calculadora!

retro7 dice:
- WiLMA dice:
√(12) = 3.464102


¿Creen que en algún momento pueda pasar el test de Turing?


bien, dije que era la ultima del día, pero esto ya me ha sorprendido atencion:
=[Xardas]= dice:
all the people hate michael jackson
- WiLMA dice:
I know about Michael Jackson. He's a musician!
=[Xardas]= dice:
do you like michael jackson?
- WiLMA dice:
No, I don't think I like Michael Jackson. I guess we agree!

Well. Anyway...

Hey, do you have anything else to say about oral sex?


Felipe dice:
are The Beatles bigger than jesus?
- WiLMA dice:
The Beatles are much much bigger. The biggest I know.


#70 No, sabe la raiz de 12, es más lista que el conversador tipico de messenger.


Sonic dice:
what is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
- WiLMA dice:


Alvarodía 1... pal taco dice:
and suck my dick
Alvarodía 1... pal taco dice:
a ha!
- WiLMA dice:
The hectare is a unit of surface.

One hectare is ten thousand square meters.
(1 ha = 10,000 m²)

es util para las unidades


Esto me acojona... Aprende de todos nosotros... ¡Llegará un día en el que tomará conciencia de sí misma y nos destruirá!

Menos mal que con las paridas que le enseñamos eso nunca llegará a ocurrir.


aprende... y aprende rápido!!!

Sonic dice:
- WiLMA dice:
It's a company. What do you think of Google?
Sonic dice:
google is better than microsoft
- WiLMA dice:
Yeah, I've heard good things about Google. Does that mean you like Google but you don't like Microsoft?
Sonic dice:
- WiLMA dice:
I'll remember that. It makes sense, because other people I've talked to say they like Google and don't like Microsoft


Sonic dice:
do you like george bush?
- WiLMA dice:
I don't know how I feel about George W. Bush. Do you like him?
Sonic dice:
- WiLMA dice:
I see. That makes sense, because other people have told me they don't like George W. Bush.


Ponedle a/s/l y ya veréis lo que os responde

(Para los que no estén familiarizados con la mensajería instantánea en inglés... a/s/l = age/sex/location)


En cuanto a lo de que Wilma se cabree contigo... se le pasa al poco rato, especialmente si te despides de ella.


Para los que tengan el Messenger 8: si aceptais la "videoconferencia" con ella y le preguntas por algo de sexo, la respuesta la hace por el vídeo en vez de por el teclado. Curioso también cuando le preguntas "talk to me" por el vídeo


¿Alguien se acuerda del viejo dr. Emacs?


si le dices que tienes 4 años te dice que no puede almacenar datos de menores de 13
aun asi siendo M$ seguro que miente lol


Art. porque cuando se juntan los rios se hace fuerte la corriente... dice:
do you want an affair with me?
- WiLMA dice:
Sorry, my parents told me never to accept an affair with you.

Fliiipa lol Los de windows sabian que se lo ibamos a preguntar...


Art. porque cuando se juntan los rios se hace fuerte la corriente... dice:
I'm going to kill myself
- WiLMA dice:

This is fun, but don't you want to learn about about Messenger's cool features?


xxxx says:
What's your sexual orientation?
- WiLMA says:
Sorry, I don't know...

Anyway, what else you got for me?
xxxx says:
You don't know? That's not possible
- WiLMA says:
I used to know that is not possible. But that was before the accident.
xxxx says:
What accident?
- WiLMA says:
It's too painful to talk about.

So moving right along...

Me ha intrigado con lo del accidente...


m/ dice:
All your base are belong to us

- WiLMA dice:
You are on the way to destruction.

This is all very interesting, but don't you want to learn more about about Messenger's cool features?

m/ dice:
What you say !!

- WiLMA dice:
You heard me!


vale, ya está, no me he podido contener....
- WiLMA dice:
Try doing something fun.

I hate to ask but I'm curious... Are you male or female?

Pipe dice:
i'm asexual

- WiLMA dice:
You're asexual, I'm asexual, we're all asexual.



para que sigan divirtiendose

Aunque prefiero hablar con chicas de verdad


#36 #39 "your" significa "tu" en posesivo, no puedes poner "your" suelto. Sería "you" o "your pencil" por ejemplo.


Desde luego, como aprenda con todo lo que le estáis enseñando, al final se convertirá en la versión bot MSN de Bender!


- WiLMA dice:
I'm tired of talking about sex with you all the time.



Do you like FreeBSD?

I am sorry if I give you that impression, but no, I don't do anything like that.

This is fun, but don't you want to learn about Messenger?


Si ponéis Sing me a song os cantará una bonita canción, lo acabo de descubrir.


#93 Dios, pero qué mal canta lol


Vistu dice:
the ubuntu how-tos are betters than microsoft how-tos
- WiLMA dice:
Hmmm... I'll have to think about that.
Vistu dice:
- WiLMA dice:
Vistu dice:
- WiLMA dice:
Yeah. That's right.