Hace 10 años | Por --407438-- a theatlantic.com
Publicado hace 10 años por --407438-- a theatlantic.com

Acostumbrados a todas esas fotos de smog ahogando ciudades chinas, la NASA ha logrado subir el listón con una imagen desde arriba. La imagen fue captada por el satélite TERRA el 7 de enero durante otro episodio de contaminación severa. http://goo.gl/W5Knmc (5 MB, JPEG, 4400x5400)



El Segundo Renacimiento (Parte II)


“The fog has a smooth surface on the top, which distinguishes it from mid- and high-level clouds that are more textured and have distinct shadows on their edge,” explained Rudolf Husar, director of the Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis at Washington University. “If there is a significant haze layer on top of the fog, it appears brownish. In this case, most of the fog over eastern China is free of elevated haze, and most of the pollution is trapped in the shallow winter boundary layer of a few hundred meters.”