Hace 1 año | Por candonga1 a ccma.cat
Publicado hace 1 año por candonga1 a ccma.cat

A finales de los años 90, para su tesis de máster en la Universidad de Haifa, Teddy Katz entrevistó y grabó a más de cien soldados israelíes que habían participado en la batalla de Tantura. También entrevistó a los antiguos vecinos árabes del pueblo, que el ejército israelí desplazó tras la victoria. Siete de los soldados admitieron haber presenciado o cometido crímenes de guerra: ejecuciones, torturas, violaciones y saqueos. Después de que un diario publicara fragmentos de la tesis, los entrevistados israelíes pusieron una denuncia colectiva..



Hoy día es curioso leer artículos en la wikipedia sobre hechos Históricos, porque si conoces los datos ves como en los artículos no aparecen todos si no solo los que interesan a los que controlan la información (los poderes fácticos a través de sus servicios de "inteligencia") .

Por ejemplo, sobre el grupo terrorista sionista que ponía bombas y asesinaba gente ahora lo llaman "paramilitares"...

Haganah (Hebrew: הַהֲגָנָה, lit. The Defence) was the main Zionist[2] paramilitary organization of the Jewish population ("Yishuv") in Mandatory Palestine between 1920 and its disestablishment in 1948, when it became the core of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

Pero es bien fácil encontrar artículos de judíos que se avergüenzan de los actos terroristas que cometieron los sionistas, y cuentan la verdad de lo ocurrido:

While the Haganah boasts of its heroic acts and looks down on similar right-wing groups, its history also includes dark operations it would prefer not to mention

“The memory of what was done in Lubya, like the memory of all the other abominable acts that preceded it, will forever disgrace its destructive perpetrators.”

The most senior was Yigal Allon, who later headed the Palmach (the Haganah’s elite strike force), and became an Israel Defense Forces general and education and foreign minister.

The operation’s organizer was Nahum Shadmi, a senior Haganah member and a future IDF colonel and president of a military appeals tribunal, as well as a Mapai Party activist (Mapai was the forerunner of the Labor Party). His son Issachar was commander of the Border Police brigade whose members committed the 1956 massacre in the Arab town of Kafr Qasem.

This aspect has been excluded from museums, parades, and the official and state-sanctioned history books.

They don’t talk about the assassination of Folke Bernadotte [the Swedish diplomat murdered by Lehi members in 1948]

They don’t talk about the King David Hotel operation

It’s unlikely that most people reading this will have heard of the Semiramis Hotel bombing in Jerusalem’s Katamon neighborhood by the Haganah’s Moriah battalion.

Most of the dead were from the Christian Abu Suawan family, including women and children, as well as the Spanish vice-consul to Jerusalem, who was living in the hotel.

Another building was blown up by the Haganah some two years earlier, in February 1946. This was part of a Palmach operation targeting British police stations across the country. Three British women and a child were killed in the explosion.

the bombing of the British ship Patria on November 25, 1940

The massacre committed by members of the Palmach’s Third Battalion in the village of Ein al-Zeitun, near Safed

Today, every history buff in Israel knows about the April 1948 massacre in Deir Yassin, carried out by right-wing underground members

in similar actions, such as the murder of dozens of prisoners in Ein al-Zeitun.



#2 Hoy en día?



La masacre silenciada para construir el heroico pasado de Israel
La masacre silenciada para construir el heroico pasado de Israel (CAT)

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