Hace 3 años | Por DRAG0NER0 a as.com
Publicado hace 3 años por DRAG0NER0 a as.com

En plena II Guerra Mundial, cuatro trabajadores que estaban restaurando el techo de la Iglesia de St. James de Amberes (Bélgica) escondieron una carta con varios lamentos y advertencias.



Creo que esto ha salido por aquí recientemente. No sé si llegó a portada


Una pena que la noticia no transcriba la carta completa


#1 aquí tienes el texto completo:


“21 July 1941

“In 1941 the ceiling of the church is glued with a rolling scaffold 27 meters high, for the service of city buildings.

“When the ceiling is repainted [again], we will no longer belong to this earth, so we must tell our descendants that we did not enjoy our lives. We have been through two wars, one in 1914 and one in 1941, and we can still count!

“We stand here working hungry, they squeeze us to the last penny for a little food.

“I advise our descendants, if war comes again in the course of their lives, to keep a supply of rice, coffee, flour, tobacco, wheat, [and] grain in the house for you! Enjoy life to the fullest, take in another female in time, for those who are married, look after the house! Salut men!

“Done on the 21st of July 1941 by the painters service of the buildings John Janssen, Jul Gyselinck, Louis Chantraine and Jul van Hemeldonck.”


#2 Gracias


El penúltimo párrafo tiene su puntillo, estaban enmayaos y aún así piensan en el fornicio.