Hace 7 años | Por iken a elboletin.com
Publicado hace 7 años por iken a elboletin.com

Esta plataforma recibirá el nombre de EUleaks y está concebida con el propósito de recibir todo tipo de denuncias sobre cualquiera de las áreas que son competencia de la legislación comunitaria. Si utilizasen la vía que abre EUleaks, la responsabilidad de las filtraciones pasaría a ser de los eurodiputados de este grupo, que estarían protegidos por la inmunidad parlamentaria. La plataforma no será puesta a disposición de otros grupos parlamentarios ya que no quieren que sea utilizada por los euroescépticos para dañar la reputación de la Unión.


Instrucciones en: http://www.greens-efa.eu/

For your own security you should not visit EUleaks.eu from your workplace as this will leave a trail (it might help if you clear your browser history). You can only access the platform and submit information to us by downloading and using the Tor browser. To install Tor and read its security tips, visit the website: https://www.torproject.org. Remember that if you visit Tor from your workplace you will also leave a trail of that.
Tor is a secured network, which channels data traffic through three open relays and proceeds with a random choice in order to select your digital ‘location’ in the world. This system thus makes the tracing of connections very difficult, though not totally impossible. Once you have downloaded and installed Tor, copy and paste this link into your Tor browser: eulkspoobuj2ymt7.onion
If you want, you can also pre-encrypt your documents before you visit the site through TOR. This is for advanced users who already know how encryption works. Our public key can be found at eulkspoobuj2ymt7.onioneulks-submission-key.html (only via the TOR browser) and the fingerprint for the key is 5155 D069 C800 2C7D 456B A4FD C7DD C940 F9D6 B176.


Ya sabemos qué país paga todo eso lol