Hace 3 años | Por ccguy a politikon.es
Publicado hace 3 años por ccguy a politikon.es

El número de personas que habían sufrido reacciones adversas era minúsculo, por encima de un caso en cada millón (...) la probabilidad de sufrir una reacción adversa peligrosa seguía siendo comparable o inferior a la de muchos medicamentos disponibles en cualquier farmacia. El problema más importante, sin embargo, no era uno de posibles infecciones y fallecimientos por COVID por falta de acceso a la vacuna; Estados Unidos, al fin y al cabo, casi está nadando en dosis de Moderna y Pfizer.


Lo de Gaetz me ha pillado por sorpresa. Justo estaba escuchando hablar de ello en el podcast Pod Save America y pensé que estaban exagerando.


"Si Trump fuera un hombre medio decente estaría dando vueltas por todo el país como un poseso animando a la gente a vacunarse. Lo que tenemos, en cambio, es el sector trumpista del partido republicano poco menos que intentando matar a sus propios votantes."

Si no fuera porque de ahí puede salir una mutación que mandara a tomar por culo la inmunización gracias a las vacunas, dejaría que la naturaleza siguiera su curso.


"pero las vacunas de mRNA, increíblemente efectivas y seguras" roll
"The Israeli People’s Committee Interim Conclusion Report, April 2021: From Uncontrollable Impulse to Criminal Spin?" https://4a1b9d73-4c47-4f3b-bb08-e515be8958ca.filesusr.com/ugd/3db409_340b3b74f3604d8cb085c98bc21cc65e.pdf


#3 Abstract:
The Israeli People’s Committee has uncovered a multitude of malfunctions and failures at the administrative, ethical and legal levels during the COVID-19 vaccination campaign at the beginning of 2021 in Israel. In this document, we aim at presenting and elaborating the main features of these malfunctions, which have led to severe damages in many Israelis in the short term, and sadly to possible future damages. It seems that the entire country got caught up in a medical-social chaos, where the leadership has enabled a situation of fear and uncertainty to run its course out of control, and even contributed to its further enhancement.But most of all, we cannot ignore severe suspicions shared by all the committee members, that the fundamental sin, which led to the chaos and its casualties, is the way in which two very powerful personages, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla, agreed upon a massive vaccination campaign in Israel that is unprecedented in scale and nature. A vaccination campaign that lacks effective safeguards for public safety, that is devoid of any concern for people who may be harmed by the vaccine, and that has allegedly guaranteed to encompass populations, for which the safety of the vaccine has not been tested (pregnant women and their fetuses), and later also children, for whom the need to be vaccinated is totally unclear, while pushing aside any safety considerations. From this exact episode, where both parties came to an agreement regarding the vaccination campaign, which involved a wide variety of ethical and safety violations, an unrestrained drama was initiated that has revealed itself to be impulsive, neglectful and reckless. The agreed upon vaccination campaign concerns matters of life and death, yet is being conducted in an amateurish, irresponsible and aggressive manner, and it led to the political arena taking over the medical arena and bending it to its needs, while paralyzing all alarm systems, monitoring measures and open scientific discussion. Unfortunately, most of the medical system collaborated with this unsupervised process, starting with the higher ranks, and ending with field doctors – some actively, some by keeping quiet from fear of reprisal.