Hace 8 años | Por --418333-- a genbeta.com
Publicado hace 8 años por --418333-- a genbeta.com

Desde el primer momento los responsables de la web se han defendido calificando como falsas estas acusaciones. E incluso el propio tribunal estuvo de acuerdo en que los usuarios le habían dado permiso para acceder a los contactos de sus cuentas de correo y que la red social los utilizase para enviar sus invitaciones. Pero aunque el tribunal dio por válido el que la red social enviase correos con invitaciones a los contactos de sus usuarios, lo que no le pareció bien es que aprovechase esos permisos para enviarle otros dos correos recordatorios.



Yo he recibido un email de LinkedIn informandome de que la causa esta pendiente, aun no hay sentencia, en caso de que se les declare culpables, se puede reclamar el dinero.
You are receiving this e-mail because you may have used LinkedIn's Add Connections feature between September 17, 2011 and October 31, 2014.
A federal court authorized this Notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.
Why did I get this notice? This Notice relates to a proposed settlement ("Settlement") of a class action lawsuit ("Action") against LinkedIn Corporation ("LinkedIn") based on LinkedIn's alleged improper use of a service called "Add Connections" to grow its member base.
What is the Action about? The Action challenges LinkedIn's use of a service called Add Connections to grow its member base. Add Connections allows LinkedIn members to import contacts from their external email accounts and email connection invitations to one or more of those contacts inviting them to connect on LinkedIn. If a connection invitation is not accepted within a certain period of time, up to two "reminder emails" are sent reminding the recipient that the connection invitation is pending. The Court found that members consented to importing their contacts and sending the connection invitation, but did not find that members consented to LinkedIn sending the two reminder emails. The Plaintiffs contend that LinkedIn members did not consent to the use of their names and likenesses in those reminder emails. LinkedIn denies these allegations and any and all wrongdoing or liability. No court or other entity has made a judgment or other determination of any liability.
What relief does the Settlement provide? LinkedIn has revised disclosures, clarifying that up to two reminders are sent for each connection invitation so members can make fully-informed decisions before sending a connection invitation. In addition, by the end of 2015, LinkedIn will implement new functionality allowing members to stop reminders from being sent by canceling the connection invitation. LinkedIn has also agreed to pay $13 million into a fund that can be used, in part, to make payments to members of the Settlement Class who file approved claims. Attorneys representing the Settlement Class will petition the Court for payment of the following from the fund: (1) reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses, and costs up to a maximum of $3,250,000, and (2) service awards for the Plaintiffs up to a maximum of $1,500 each. The payment amount for members of the Settlement Class who file approved claims will be calculated on a pro rata basis, which means that it will depend on the total number of approved claims. If the number of approved claims results in a payment amount of less than $10, LinkedIn will pay an additional amount up to $750,000 into the fund. If the pro rata amount is so small that it cannot be distributed in a way that is economically feasible, payments will be made, instead, to Cy Pres Recipients selected by the Parties and approved by the Court. No one knows in advance whether or in what amount payments will be made to claimants.


#3 Si fuese a cada usuario per se, le tocaría a cada uno menos de un penique de 25 centavos.
¿Linkedin tiene cuentas premium? Ponen el premium gratis durante un mes para todos los usuarios y se acabó


No me han hecho el ingreso todavía ¿ alguien en la misma situación ?


No tienen mi cuenta bancaria, ahora se la paso para que me ingresen los trece millones. Joder me van a ir bien para pasar este mes.


#5 Y que dices que hay que hacer para que te metan dentro del reparto?


#1 Según un comentario, no sé si es verdad:

@genbeta dice: "Este acuerdo aun no ha sido aprobado, pero los abogados de ambas partes ya han accedido a él y posiblemente se cierre el año que viene, fecha en la que también se decidirá qué usuarios cobrarán la recompensa por su paciencia."

Es seguro que más de la mitad serán para los usuarios que hicieron la demanda, y el resto se dará por porciones más pequeñas. Si fuese a cada usuario per se, le tocaría a cada uno menos de un penique de 25 centavos.



Al menos podrás pagar la factura de internet


#7 Puedes enviar un email (creo que es lo mas sencillo desde ahi) info@addconnectionssettlement.com