Hace 11 años | Por --14345-- a zientziakultura.com
Publicado hace 11 años por --14345-- a zientziakultura.com

Artículo sobre filosofía de la ciencia que debate la diferencia entre esta y las pseudociencias, y cómo diferenciarlas.



Si lo que pretendía el autor del artículo era motivar a la gente para conocer las diferencias entre pseudo ciencia y ciencia no lo ha conseguido.

Este tema se presta para atrapar a la audiencia y explicarle claramente y de forma más amena lo que es ciencia. No conozco los Blogs españoles de ciencia, pero seguro que hay algunos buenos.

Drawing the line between science and pseudo-science.

Teaching Science with Pseudoscience

Another possibility for showing the difference between science and pseudoscience is to have students note the differences in writing style. Whereas scientific papers are generally formal, dispassionate, detailed and carefully stated, crackpot papers are informal, self-aggrandizing, vague, and flippant. This speaks to their lack of training and rigor and can be used as a point of discussion, especially among students who are embarking on their own research projects.

Science, Pseudoscience, and Irrationalism https://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/pscindx.htm

Every so often I get e-mails from people complaining I don't treat these topics or their believers with respect.
There is nothing in crank movements worthy of respect.

First of all, cranks don't treat the orthodox with respect. They can accuse science of willfully neglecting or falsifying evidence. They can accuse their own nation of bringing down skyscrapers and causing thousands of deaths, or deliberately breaching levees to flood New Orleans, but aim a little critical language at them, and they howl about being "disrespected." Aww, poo' baby.

They're right. I do disrespect them.

Then there's the sheer waste of it all. Cities are increasingly privatizing their public libraries, but there always seems to be money to support crackpot movements. We can't drum up enthusiasm for space travel but we can hold conventions as Roswell to commemorate UFO's. These people are parasites. They do nothing to advance real learning in our society and drain resources into crank movements that will never benefit anyone except charlatans.

Respect? Take it to someone who cares.

Este diccionario es http://www.skepdic.com/tijunk.html divertidísimo.