Hace 6 años | Por --567058-- a jsbmarketresearch.com
Publicado hace 6 años por --567058-- a jsbmarketresearch.com

It has been more than a year since ‘Brexit’ took place. A lot of predictions were made prior to the event taking place however its impact on marketing budgets is nonetheless same. In a market analysis survey, around 70% of companies were found with the same marketing budgets levels as they were three months ago in response to political and economic uncertainty. Having said that, the Q3 survey report released a net balance of +13.4% of firms recording a rise in their budgets. It is namely the fourth year of successive positive revisions.



WTF #0 en tu otro envío ya te recomendaron que tradujeses el titular y la entradilla y contestaste
How Online Surveys in Market Research foster progress in business

Hace 6 años | Por --567058-- a jsbmarketresearch.com


no fucks were given, mate.


Querrán decir la NO salida del Brexit. La verdad que desde lo que se dijo a lo que ha sido hay un trecho grande.

Tampoco dice mucho el texto y creo que haría falta un análisis más profundo.