Hace 18 años | Por gallir a mundogeek.net
Publicado hace 18 años por gallir a mundogeek.net

En mundo geek comentan sobre esta web y el ranking de las "peores tecnológicas españolas". Como dice uno de los comentarios del blog, en trabajo basura deberían mirar también el diseño de la página, que me ha costado :-)


Zootropo... ¿qué ha pasado?
Precondition Failed
We're sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for / on this server.
We have established rules for access to this server, and any person or robot that violates these rules will be unable to access this site.
To resolve this problem, please try the following steps:
Ensure that your computer is free of viruses, Trojan horses, spyware or any other sort of malicious software.
If you are using any sort of personal firewall or browser privacy software, check to ensure that its settings do not cause your web browser to inadvertently violate any of the rules listed below.
If you are behind a Web proxy or corporate firewall, the proxy must conform to the HTTP specification with respect to proxy servers. Contact your network administrator if the trouble persists, or bypass the proxy and connect directly if possible.
Disable any download accelerators you may be using. They don't speed up your downloads anyway; in most cases, they actually run slower!
If all else fails, try using a different Web browser, such as Firefox.
If you still need assistance, please contact zootropo at gmail.com.


Con el firefox me va bien, pero no dejas entrar al konqueror.


mmmm... curioso.
eso es que bad behaviour te ha identificado como spammer

echaré un vistazo al código a ver qué criterios utiliza y si no puede que directamente lo desactive porque akismet tira bastante bien