Publicado hace 15 años por joakinkremel a

El grupo palestino Frente Popular para la Liberación de Palestina (FPLP) condenó hoy las tácticas violentas utilizadas por el Movimiento de Resistencia Islámica (Hamás) contra los palestinos en la Franja de Gaza durante la ofensiva israelí de 22 días que finalizó a mediados de este mes.


no confundir con el frende islámico popular

FPLP acusa a Hamas de hacer algo que ellos niegan y no aportan prueba alguna


#1 ni con el frente popular judáico de la vida de Bryan

me alegra ver que cada vez hay más voces contra Hamás. Espero que a esta gente (FPLP) no les acusen de "sionismo" propagandista.


En rigor, el titular debería ser

"El FPLP acusa a Hamas de usar tácticas violentas utilizadas"

ya que Hamas niega los hechos.

Sí, ya sé que Hamas es un grupo terrorista violento, pero es que resulta que el FPLP también lo es, si los medimos por el mismo rasero. Vendría a ser como el GAL condenando las acciones violentas de la ETA o viceversa. Esperpéntico.


Es repetitivo el titular: "usar" y luego "utilizadas"; "acusa a Hamás" y luego "utilizadas por Hamás". Deberían arreglarlo.

edito: ya lo arreglaron.


Leyendo la web del FPLP yo llego a conclusiones diferentes que las de esta noticia

Ma’an: Is Israel’s air, sea and land incursion really about Hamas and the rockets?

PFLP: The rockets are both a practical and a symbolic representation of our resistance to the occupier. They are a constant reminder that the occupier is in fact an occupier, and that no matter how they may engage in sieges, massacres, fence us in, deny us the basic human needs of life, we will continue to resist and we will continue to hold fast to our fundamental rights, and we will not allow them to be destroyed. So long as one rocket is launched at the occupier, our people, our resistance and our cause is alive.

This is why they targeted the rockets - the rockets do make the occupier insecure, because every one is a symbol and a physical act of our rejection to their occupation, to their massacres, to their crimes, and to their continuing assaults on our people. Each rocket says that we will not allow their so-called "solutions" that are based on the abrogation and denial of our rights.

Ma’an: What is the relationship between Hamas and the PFLP like today?

PFLP: The relationship between Hamas and the PFLP is defined by resistance now.

Ma’an: But the PFLP is a secular movement; does that create difficulties working with Hamas, which believes in an Islamic society and government?

PFLP: Both Hamas and the PFLP are in the camp of resistance, the camp of defending our people, our cause and our fundamental rights.

Both the PFLP and Hamas reject so-called "negotiations", reject cooperation with the occupier, and reject any so-called political solutions based on the denial and abrogation of the rights of our people, and both stand united in resistance to the massacres and genocide being committed against the Palestinian people. This is the unity, and the relationship, that matters now - unity, in struggle, for our people, our cause, and our rights.
