Hace 15 años | Por timonoj a bash.org
Publicado hace 15 años por timonoj a bash.org

Descripcion del peor dia...contado desde el punto de vista del que te hace la putada.


Ese no vuelve a cagar en un bar en su vida...pobre hombre.


Hay autenticas joyas en forma de logs del IRC en esa web

Recomiendo leer la tercera del Top100 (#4281) , quiero una de esas lol


Parece el comienzo de una película de Tarantino.


#3 Cierto, las hay muy muy buenas:

how u make that inverted b?
never mind


Pues esta es brutal:

#104052 +(11690)- [X]
I download something from Napster
And the same guy I downloaded it from starts downloading it from me when I'm done
I message him and say "What are you doing? I just got that from you"
"getting my song back fucker"


#9322 +(10816)- [X]

Ouroboros: lets play Pong
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lol surrealista


Otra buenisima

#50891 +(9983)- [X]
I was in biology class once, and the teacher said there was sugar in sperm
And a girl asked why doesn't it taste sweet then
When she realised what she said her face became red like a spanked monkey ass
Then the teacher said, because you taste sweetness with the front of your tongue, not the part of your tongue back in your throat
The girl started crying and left class ^^

Gracias #3
La verdad es que no conocia esos logs y llevo riendome un buen rato


#178890 +(11670)- [X]

* Now talking in #christian
Word_of_God Welcome Abstruse to #christian I am a Bible Bot. For more info type: /msg Word_of_God !info
!kjv numbers 22:21
Numbers 22:21 -- And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went with the princes of Moab. - (KJV)
* SageRider sets mode: +b !@c211-30-208-111.rivrw3.nsw.optusnet.com.au
* Word_of_God was kicked from #christian by SageRider (Please dont Swear)
I know I'm never going to be able to come back in this channel again after this, but damn was it worth it to see that...

Brutal lol

my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
yeah.i sent them to her dad


#85514 +(10058)- [X]

IRC is just multiplayer notepad.

Cuanta sabiduria en solo cinco palabras...