Hace 5 meses | Por DaiTakara a youtube.com
Publicado hace 5 meses por DaiTakara a youtube.com

Max Blumenthal y Aaron Mate desacreditan meticulosamente un artículo del New York Times que pretende demostrar que Hamás llevó a cabo una política de agresión sexual contra israelíes el 7 de octubre, y demuestran que Jeffrey Gettleman del Times es culpable de mala praxis periodística y de servir como una herramienta voluntaria para las mentiras en serie del gobierno israelí.



#2 si, esta se debió sentar en un charco de sangre y apoyar los codos en otro charco de sangre antes de que la metiesen en un vehículo y se la llevaran.


#6 A Israel no le preocupa la cadena de pruebas, ni llevarlos a juicio ni nada por el estilo, solo les preocupa reventar la cabeza de todo el que tuvo algo que ver.


#10 ¿Cómo sabes quién tuvo que ver si destruyes las pruebas científicas?


#11 déjalo, es un blanqueador de sionazis


#14 ¿El amigo de los rebanacuellos hablando de blanqueamiento? lol


#19 te veo escocidísimo


#20 Pero si eres tú el que llora cuando le tocan la carita a los islamistas.


#11 Fácil, cualquiera relacionado con Hamás tuvo algo que ver.


#10 pero se supone que a la UE, por ejemplo, no tendría que importar la cadena de pruebas; a no ser que no nos importe nada sólo por apoyar a EEUU.


#6 con lo tiquismiquis que pareces ser te habrás quedado ya calvo de tanto tirarte de los pelos al ver las subnormalidades propagandísticas de Hamas que se publican en portada cada dos por tres, no?


#5 Efectivamente me das la razón y este son el tipo de pruebas que se presentan para probar esas centenares de violaciones que se produjeron ese día.

Sinceramente, viendo todo lo que está pasando, ni siquiera soy quien para juzgar los actos terroristas de palestinos contra israelíes.


#4 vaya, ya estaba puesto. Ahora te dirán que se sentó en un charco de sangre o alguna idiotez suprema por el estilo, como ya me han dicho a mí varias veces los blanqueadores del terrorismo.


#7 Por favor, ¿puedes explicarnos cómo los abominables actos de Hamás justifican la destrucción de pruebas policiales que servirían para enjuiciar a los responsables?, ¿o lanzar bulos mediáticos que sólo sirven para dificultar la resolución del atentado?.

Que parece que se nos olvida que vivimos en un país que ha luchado policialmente durante décadas contra el terrorismo.


#9 no lo justifican, Israel y el sionismo son culpables de crímenes de guerra, castigos colectivos y barbarie etnica. Un mal a erradicar. Espero ser suficientemente claro, un mal a erradicar del mundo.

Y que eso sea así no hace menos hijoputas a hamas ni hacen que merezca la mínima simpatía por cualquier persona con decencia.


#7 Yo te dije la "idiotez suprema" de que quizás esa sangre que se ve podría ser porque se sentó en un charco de sangre, y lo mantengo. Porque es posible, porque me cuesta entender que en medio de una ofensiva, o acto terrorista, que lo que pretende es capturar vivos a la mayor cantidad de rehenes alguien se pare y, en grupo o en solitario, se ponga/n a violar por turnos a alguien hasta hacerla sangrar. Pero puedo estar equivocado, no como tú que tienes pruebas irrefutables de semejante barbaridad.

Sería interesante verlas.


#15 yo tengo una serie de fotos y tu un “a mi me parece”. Aún así tú me pides pruebas a mí, curioso…


#18 He visto en la tele a Papa Noel felicitarme a Navidad. Quién soy yo para dudar.


#15 Hay vídeos en los que salen vuestros partisanos eligiendo qué rehenes van directos a Gaza y cuáles van primero a que las violen.


#26 No son "mis partisanos", y que hayan sido violadas a posteriori es más creíble.

En Nochebuena vi a un alto mando militar israelí asegurar que habían matado ocho mil terroristas en Gaza.


#7 Creo que me voy a pirar de menéame. Muchas veces es insoportable la cantidad de gentuza que hay por aquí.
Que se queden los podemitas en su cámara de eco nadando en sus propios vómitos.


#24 Te he votado positivo sin querer en #4 , te compenso con un negativo aquí.


#4 y lo dices tú. Solo hay que entrar en tu perfil y poner cualquier palabra sobre este tema. Yo he puesto Israel y da vergüenza ajena leerte blanqueando a esos genocidas.


#8 Como estáis inmersos en la propaganda iraní que lleva décadas ablandando vuestros cerebros, pues estáis como estáis, llamando genocidio a algo que no lo es. El primer genocidio de la historia en el que el grupo víctima del mismo multiplica por 10 su población. Un apartheid en el que los árabes tienen exactamente los mismo derechos que cualquier otro ciudadano israelí. Lo vuestro roza el negacionismo del holocausto, el genocidio armenio y en Ruanda y del apartheid en Sudáfrica, frivolizando de esa manera.
Mira que me la pela, pensad lo que queráis, y cuando veáis islamistas radicales os acercáis a saludarlos, os darán mucho amor.


#25 uy si, los iraníes me están lavando el cerebro. Como lo hacen? cuéntame... Que me interesa mucho

Lo vuestro roza el negacionismo del holocausto, el genocidio armenio y en Ruanda y del apartheid en Sudáfrica

Jajajaja no tengo ni puta idea del genocidio armenio o el de Ruanda y el apartheid me suena por Mandela. Pero vamos que ni puñetera idea.


#28 No, si ya se ve.


#29 tb se ve como blanqueas a los genocidas del gobierno de Israel.


#30 primero entérate de lo que significa genocidio.
No hay que hacer pellas en el colegio.


#31 genocidio es lo que están haciendo tus amigos israelís en la franja de Gaza con tu beneplácito.

Siguiente pregunta?


#31 Creo que deberías enterarte tú:

Convención para la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio

Artículo II

En la presente Convención, se entiende por genocidio cualquiera de los actos mencionados a continuación, perpretados con la intención de destruir, total o parcialmente, a un grupo nacional, étnico, racial o religioso, como tal:

a) Matanza de miembros del grupo;
b) Lesión grave a la integridad física o mental de los miembros del grupo;
c) Sometimiento intencional del grupo a condiciones de existencia que hayan de acarrear su destrucción física, total o parcial; d) Medidas destinadas a impedir los nacimientos en el seno del grupo;
e) Traslado por fuerza de niños del grupo a otro grupo.



#25 Como Somalia, que también multiplicó por 10 su población y bien sabido es que viven de puta madre, de siempre.


#4 Sabemos quién es la chica? Porque cambiaría bastante el cuento si fue secuestrada de una base militar del Ocupante. Lo pregunto desde el desconocimiento.


las burradas de los 40 bebés, niños metidos en hornos, embarazadas abiertas en canal soltadas por los goebbels sionistas y los subnormales que lo iban repitiendo fue de aupa, gente sin neurona alguna.

como si no tuvieran bastante con la realidad de lo que pasó ese día (también por parte del ejército terrorista de tiktok) como para que tuvieran que inventar.

son unos putos enfermos belicistas y además tienen un odio al mundo musulmán que ni disimulan.


#17 Que la mayoría de palestinos sean musulmanes es circunstancial, les sobran en su Lebensraum y basta.


Qué rápido se ve la gente un vídeo de 44 minutos.

Bueno, dejo aquí este resumen hecho por un https://www.summarize.tech/

"00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "NY Times October 7th hoax exposed," the speaker addresses the persistent claims by Israel and its supporters of mass rapes by militants on October 7, 2021. Despite numerous inconsistencies and lack of physical evidence, the narrative has been promoted by various media outlets such as the New York Times, Hillary Clinton, and CNN. The speaker questions the credibility of such claims and highlights the absence of forensic evidence and influential witnesses. He further criticizes the reliance on dubious testimonies supplied by the Israeli government, and raises concerns over potential orientalist anti-Arab racism fueling these accusations. The discussion revolves around a specific article by Jeffrey Gettleman, who is criticized for his previous biased reportage on Africa, and his lack of evidence in this case. The speaker then debunks the key claims of the case, starting with a scene from a viral video of a woman in a torn dress, which was later proven to be unrelated to rape.

00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "NY Times October 7 hoax exposed," the speaker challenges the New York Times' reporting on alleged rapes committed by Israeli soldiers during the October 2000 clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians in Gaza. The speaker argues that the Times' verification of the video evidence is irrelevant, as the Israeli police, a highly politicized institution, had not actually verified rape allegations, but rather suggested it based on grainy video evidence. The discussion also mentions Zaka, a group accused of fraud and lying multiple times, and their unsubstantiated claims regarding the rape allegations. The speaker then raises doubts about the validity of other pieces of evidence referenced in the Times article and criticizes the lack of forensic evidence or independent investigations to draw conclusions about the alleged rapes

00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "NY Times October 7th hoax exposed," the speaker criticizes a New York Times article for making unsubstantiated claims regarding sexual assaults during the Israel-Gaza conflict on October 7, 2000. The speaker calls out the lack of evidence and expansive claims, questioning why families of alleged victims are not being given proper explanations and why the New York Times seems to be withholding information about Israeli involvement in deaths. The speaker also challenges claims of a large number of bodies being hauled away, pointing out that many of these were not Jewish corpses but rather those of Hamas militants killed in the conflict. Despite claims of sexual assault and rape, no survivors have come forward nor has the New York Times provided evidence to confirm these claims. The speaker dismisses sapir, a key witness mentioned in the article, as an unverified 24-year-old accountant. Overall, the speaker criticizes the article as a case of journalistic malpractice and a shameful example from the "discredited newspaper of record
00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "NY Times October 7 hoax exposed," the speaker criticizes testimony from a woman named Sapir, who alleged that she was shot in the back and witnessed numerous atrocities during a violent confrontation. The speaker questions the credibility of Sapir's testimony, pointing out that her injury cannot be examined and that she was unable to identify her attackers beyond their clothing description. The speaker also criticizes the New York Times for reporting on Sapir's story without verifying the information. The speaker further questions the existence of a decapitated woman, as no official records of such an incident have been found. The speaker also introduces two key witnesses, Sapir's friend Caral and a mercenary named RZ Cohen, who also gave testimony of the atrocities committed during the confrontation. The speaker's central argument is that the New York Times has failed to cross-check the forensic evidence of the documented deaths with Sapir's testimony, and that the paper's reporting is based on racist stereotypes
00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "NY Times October 7 hoax exposed," the speaker criticizes a report published by The New York Times based on testimony from an Israeli Army veteran named Raz Cohen. Cohen's testimony, which was given to both The New York Times and other media outlets like PBS and I24, included graphic descriptions of rape and murders alleged to have occurred during the 2005 battle in Gaza. However, the speaker points out that Cohen's account to The New York Times did not mention rape, while his interviews with other media outlets did. The speaker argues that had The New York Times properly fact-checked Cohen's testimony, they would have discovered the inconsistencies and raised doubts about the veracity of his claims. Cohen's subsequent interviews referenced rape and necrophilia, but the speaker questions who he was actually accusing and the reliability of his testimony overall

00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "NY Times October 7 hoax exposed," the speaker argues that a key witness in a New York Times story about Hamas rape allegations in Gaza is a fraud. According to the speaker, when international support for Israel's assault on Gaza was waning, the Israeli government coached and encouraged the witness, Rosen Cohen, to give more graphic testimony to the New York Times, which he had not provided during the alleged traumatic period. The speaker also criticizes the New York Times for not checking the available evidence, which reveals conflicting testimonies from Rosen Cohen, and calls out the publication for major journalistic malpractice. The speaker highlights that the witness's inconsistent testimony raises skepticism about every claim made in the story and questions the premise of the New York Times reporting. Additionally, the speaker mentions other issues, such as the lack of forensic evidence, convenient excuses, and the competitive fundraising between rescue organizations, which further undermine the credibility of the story. Overall, the speaker expresses frustration with the establishment's reluctance to challenge the narrative and argues that the New York Times prioritizes storytelling over journalism

00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "NY Times October 7 hoax exposed," the speaker criticizes the New York Times for featuring a documented liar, named Harit, as a source in a piece about the conflict in Palestine. Harit was accused of cooking up stories about fetuses being ripped out of mothers and entire families being burned to death, which were later proven to be false. The speaker also mentions Harit's involvement in a story about a paramedic named G (or Major G) who claimed to have found the bodies of two teenage girls in a room at Kibutz Berry, only to have the story dismissed by Israeli media and forensic experts. The girls' bodies were found with their mother, not in the condition described by G, and the closest match was not the girls Harit claimed to have found. The speaker accuses the New York Times of being willing and eager propagandists, uncritically reporting false claims as facts

00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "NY Times October 7 hoax exposed," the speaker debunks a claim made by a paramedic named Major G in an interview with India's Republic TV. Major G had claimed that he found a baby multiple times stabbed and thrown in a garbage can during the October 7 Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. However, the speaker points out that this did not match the known list of victims and that the NY Times had already acknowledged that homes were hit with Israeli tank shells, which contradicts Major G's account of a trash can being the source of the explosion. The speaker also notes that Major G is a documented fraudster and that the NY Times did not call out his lies, leading to questions about his credibility and the role of the media in reporting on the conflict

00:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "NY Times October 7 hoax exposed," the speaker accuses the New York Times of journalistic malpractice and exposing a fraudulent story about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The October 7 incident involved the killing of Palestinian and Jewish Israeli civilians, and the New York Times report aimed to obtain justice, according to the speaker. However, the report was actually used to justify Israel's ongoing mass murder campaign against Palestinians and provide emotional cover for it. The speaker appreciates Max Blumenthal's efforts to debunk the report by exposing the New York Times'key witnessesas frauds, which invalidates the entire story. The least expected response to such journalistic work is not to be attacked, but to apply rational scrutiny to the evidence. Despite acknowledge Jews Israeli civilians were killed, the speaker criticizes the report for going "big" and accusing Israel of genocide"


Lo único que demuestra el vídeo es la tendencia cultural usana: justificar la violencia y la violación de los derechos humanos venga de donde venga si les favorece.