Hace 9 años | Por Sulfolobus_Solf... a nature.com
Publicado hace 9 años por Sulfolobus_Solfataricus a nature.com

Tras los ataques terroristas en París contra el semanario Charlie Hebdo de la semana pasada, Europa intenta comprender el porqué de esa combinación de religión, cultura europea e influencia de organizaciones terroristas que impulsó a los terroristas a actuar. El antropólogo Scott Atran ha estudiado largamente a terroristas potenciales y convictos. Ha vuelto recientemente a París, donde ha analizado la comunidad de donde los atacantes en París provenían, y da cuenta en esta entrevista a Nature de lo que ha visto.



(...) here’s an ideology that appeals to them, it’s something that’s very attractive to more people than you might think. In France, a poll by [ICM Research] showed that 27% of young French people, not just Muslims, between 18 and 24 had a favourable attitude toward the Islamic State.
But who is actually willing to fight and die? There is a problem of specificity. Even if people buy into the ideology, buy into the values, it’s far from a sufficient condition.

The Islamic State and Al Qaeda don’t directly order commando operations. Basically they say, “Hey guys, here are ideas, do it yourself. Here’s the way to make a pressure cooker bomb; here are likely targets that will terrorize people; here are things we hate. Go out and do it.”
It’s the organized anarchy of it that does more to terrorize than actually carefully planned commando operations.