Hace 7 años | Por --368612-- a youtube.com
Publicado hace 7 años por --368612-- a youtube.com

El 1 de Abril de 2017 coincidiendo con el April Fool's Day, la red social Reddit lanzó un experimento social. Se trataba del subreddit r/place en el cual cada usuario podía crear pixel art sobre un lienzo con un límite de tiempo de 5 minutos por pixel. Link al sitio: https://www.reddit.com/r/place/


Pensé que los pesados que escribían una y otra vez osu! serían el lobby andaluz de reddit... después ya lo he buscado y me he llevado el chasco...


#1 La verdad es que lo de OSU! ha sido descojonante. Lo bonito de reddit es que al ser un sitio con gente de todas partes del mundo te das cuenta de que al final todos podemos llegar a entendernos con el mismo tipo de humor.


#2 Suerte que te tenemos a ti para dejárnoslo claro, pq en una pagina que reúne gente de todo el mundo, donde casi cada país tiene su subreddit especifico (temas de idioma y tal), ¡como se les ocurre poner una bandera!

#3 Fue divertido hasta que empezaron la "scripts war", creo que todo el mundo acabo tirando de scripts (nosotros teníamos uno ofensivo y otro defensivo), pero bueno, nuestro rinconcito fue fácil de defender y conseguimos que llegara perfecto hasta el final!


Junto al logo del Counter


Tontos y banderas siempre van juntos.


No entiendo ni una mierda.


#6 No, no es dupe hijo. Este meneo es del RESULTADO FINAL, porque ha acabado HOY a las 19:00 y por eso pongo bien claro en el título "Acaba".

La otra era de las primeras 24 horas. Esto es el final después de 72 horas.


Es curioso cómo se zumban la bandera de los EEUU y la rehacen de nuevo. Si no llega a terminar el experimento, sería un bucle infinito.


Battle report desde r/eve:


72 hours ago Reddit admins created /r/place a blank canvas for redditors to enact pixel warfare. Little did they know they had just create EVE Online minus the spaceships.
The early days of place for EVE were a bit dark. Our attempts were very kitchen sink with no real coordination. We initially started taking SOV left of Dota, however soon came cropper to the growing mass of TF2.
Fortunately it was around this time that a discord channel was setup and negotiations began. A place above Dota was worked with TF2, Dota and Canada and the EVE logo in it's first form was born. New Eden.

It became clear that lust for sov was growing, and groups like Test, Brave and Pandemic Horde started to form their own sov logos. Test were far away and contested with the might of Sweden. I don't know their full story but I believe they ended up creating a treaty and in the end got their logo.

As for the rest of the EVE cohort there were squabbles to be had internally. Was EVE T2, T3, Faction, Deadspace or Officer? After much back and forth and some bots running overnight against us, EVE upgraded to dank purps and we united to respond to batphones from Horde and Brave.

Negotiations became interesting as other /r/place groups had formed a world congress where over 500 subreddits were represented. EVE worked with a large number of entities such as; /r/canada, /r/dota2, /r/evex, /r/tf2, /r/iceland, /r/bolivia, /r/edboxes, /r/quebec, /r/faeria, /r/sweden, /r/columbia, /r/snorlax, /r/ainbowroad and probably some others that I've forgotten to mention (sorry eh!)

The main workings from here were to complete the brave, horde and hard knocks logos whilst working to accomodate other entities. We successfully moved /r/evex to make room for horde, bolivia was shifted for iceland though sadly never fully rebuild, redcircles moved for bolivia and began good work near rainbowroad.

Whilst this was all happening, the south west was threatened by the void which was starting to engulf neighbours. We scrambled masses to the borders of our valued allies TF2 to keep the buffer zone intact to prevent them reaching our core heartland (lesson to be learnt here Goons? :P)

It was a hectic 72 hours but as it drew to a sudden close we found the main EVE Logo was completely intact.

Great job to everyone involved, I would especially like to thank everyone who worked in the /r/eve discord assigning roles and helping co-ordinate and plan where things were going. I'd also like to thank all the diplomats from other subreddits for working with us.
Goodfight all, it was fun if exhausting. Fly safe o7