Hace 4 años | Por goynes a ww.electrek.co
Publicado hace 4 años por goynes a ww.electrek.co

Tesla plans to launch its own ride-sharing app before achieving full autonomy and the drivers will be covered under the automaker’s own driver insurance. For years now, Tesla has taunted a ride-hailing app to be powered by its self-driving system. Last year, CEO Elon Musk said that he was open to releasing the app, which he has been calling the ‘Tesla Network’, ahead of achieving full autonomy.



#0 Titular y entradilla en español, por favor.


Kind of interesting, mate. Although i still think that ride-sharing and all this gig economy bullshit is some kind of "late stage capitalism" hell for the working conditions of everbody involved and i'm not feeling like i'm going to change my position anytime soon, i can always welcome some kind of improvements of their quality of life whle driving if they catch on with their competitors.

It is true that Tesla it's just doing this to make some time before they can get legal driverless vehicles but regardless, it's nice to know.