Hace 9 años | Por flekyboy a irishtimes.com
Publicado hace 9 años por flekyboy a irishtimes.com

Did you consume more than the recommended limit of 11 units for women, or 17 for men? In Ireland, a standard drink contains 10 grams of pure alcohol, equal to a 35.5ml pub measure of spirits, a small 125ml glass of wine, a half pint of standard strength beer, or a 275ml bottle of alcopop. A bottle of 12.5 per cent proof wine contains about seven units of alcohol. The recommended limit for men is 17 standard drinks per week. Consuming six or more in one sitting is considered binge drinking.


There are two things I would like to highlight from this article. First, it's the use of binge drinking. The second one is the culture of serving spirits measured in the pubs.

It will be interesting how many units of alcohol are in a regular mixed drink served in Spain.

Have you ever seen this? Did you drink too much last week?


#1 justt milk, but a lot (cow juice with cocao is a drink full of spiritualism)

WTF is "serving spirits measured". Foreigners things?


#3 Is about your control of sprits drinks, a type of distilled alcohol, i.e., gin, vodka, rum, whisky, tequila or brandy


#4 Full control!


#3 as they were saying, spirits is the way that booze is called. All drinks with high alcohol content are regarded as spirits.

In order to normalize the amount of alcohol of a drink, in the pub everything is served depending of the alcohol units.

In Ireland (it changes per country): 1 pint is 2 units, half a pint (a glass) is 1 unit. Wine and spirits are measure to be 1 unit as well.

In that means, when you're ordering a drink, you'll get a different amount of "drink" depending on the percentage of alcohol that the drink contains. So it's easier to know all the time how much alcohol you are consuming.

Easy, isn't it?


#6 10 over "Suck Meter"


The strongest thing I drink lately is decaf coffee, so alcohol is kind of out of the picture


What the hell is alcopop?
Do any of you know?


#8 it's a premixed drink, usually vodka with some kind of flavor. It's one of the favorite of girls. To me, it's too sweet.

Due do the mix it has a low content of alcohol as well, so you're basically drinking sugar rather than any other thing.

How do you call these things in Spain now?


#9 I have no name for these. 'Mierda' should fit.

Mojito when bottled and other soft drinks... sugar instead. ¡¡thanks!!


#10 In that sense you can say English is a rather dynamic language able to react and create new words for new shite, I mean, stuff lol lol lol