Hace 5 años | Por genba a phoronix.com
Publicado hace 5 años por genba a phoronix.com

Rafael Avila de Espindola, 5° desarrollador más activo en LLVM, ha decidido abandonar el proyecto tras 12 años contribuyendo con más de 4.300 commits. En un largo mensaje a la lista de correo del proyecto, Rafael afirma que el motivo para abandonar el desarrollo de LLVM son los cambios en la comunidad, en particular la "injusticia social" introducida con el nuevo código de conducta y la decisión de participar en el programa Outreachy, que busca fomentar que las mujeres y otras minorías se involucren en el desarrollo de software libre.


Mensaje original en la lista de correo: http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2018-May/122922.html

Extracto de la exposición de motivos:

Unfortunately the last few years haven't been the same. On the
technical side llvm now feels far bigger and slower to change. There
are many incomplete transitions. That, by itself, would not be
sufficient reason to leave. llvm still seems better than the
competition and lld itself is still awesome.

The reason for me leaving are the changes in the community. The
current license change discussions unfortunately bring to memory the
fsf politics when I was working on gcc. That would still not be
sufficient reason to leave. As with the code, llvm will still have the
best license and if the only community change was the handling of the
license change I would probably keep going.

The community change I cannot take is how the social injustice
movement has permeated it. When I joined llvm no one asked or cared
about my religion or political view. We all seemed committed to just
writing a good compiler framework.

Somewhat recently a code of conduct was adopted. It says that the
community tries to welcome people of all "political belief". Except
those whose political belief mean that they don't agree with the code
of conduct. Since agreement is required to take part in the
conferences, I am no longer able to attend.

The last drop was llvm associating itself with an organization that
openly discriminates based on sex and ancestry (1,2). This goes
directly against my ethical views and I think I must leave the project
to not be associated with this.

[2] https://www.outreachy.org/apply/eligibility/

Extracto de los requisitos para participar en Outreachy:

•You must meet one of the following criteria:
◦You live any where in the world and you identify as a woman (cis or trans), trans man, or genderqueer person (including genderfluid or genderfree).
◦You live in the United States or you are a U.S. national or permanent resident living abroad, AND you are a person of any gender who is Black/African American, Hispanic/Latin@, Native American/American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander