Hace 8 años | Por Xergi a theguardian.com
Publicado hace 8 años por Xergi a theguardian.com

Origen https://plus.google.com/+DavidPrieto100/posts/aG6cwESEq3z
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJSl99HQYXc
Documento http://www.refugeelawproject.org/files/others/SSI_2013_report.pdf
"Sin datos, no hay debate"
Sexual violence is one of the most horrific weapons of war, an instrument of terror used against women. Yet huge numbers of men are also victims. In this harrowing report, Will Storr travels to Uganda to meet traumatised survivors, and reveals how male rape is endemic in many of the worlds conflicts



Joder, me ha dado mal cuerpo... y después mucha rabia.