Hace 17 años | Por disarc a europapress.es
Publicado hace 17 años por disarc a europapress.es

Las autoridades japonesas han emitido la alerta de tsunami después de que un fuerte seísmo de magnitud 7.1 haya sacudido la costa del mar de Japón a primeras horas de este domingo.


#0 tb puede estar en la categoria de urgente pero eso ya te lo dejo a tu elección


Según mis datos el tsunami ha sido de 6 pulgadas.

A powerful earthquake rocked northern Japan on Sunday, triggering small tsunamis and killing at least one person. The magnitude 7.1 quake struck shortly before 10 a.m. off the north coast of Ishikawa prefecture (state), Japan's Meteorological Agency said. The agency issued a tsunami warning urging people near the sea to move to higher land. Television footage from the quake zone showed buildings shaking violently for about 30 seconds. Other shots showed a collapsed building and a shop with shattered windows. At least one person was dead and 40 others injured along the Sea of Japan coast. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki said a 52-year-old woman had died. National broadcaster NHK said she was crushed by a falling stone lantern. "We felt violent shakings," said Wataru Matsumoto, deputy mayor of the town of Anamizu near epicenter, told NHK. He said his colleagues told him everything inside their houses had smashed to the ground. Calls to police and local officials in the region were not immediately answered. "We are doing our best to rescue the victims," Shiozaki said. "We are also doing our best to assess the extent of damages." The government will dispatch police and defense forces to the quake zone to assist in disaster relief operations, Shiozaki said. Train service in Ishikawa and nearby Toyama prefecture was suspended and all Nippon Airways flights between Ishikawa and Tokyo were delayed, Kyodo News agency said. Nuclear power plants owned by Tokyo Electric Power Co. and Kansai Electric Power Co. were operating normally in Niigata and Fukui prefectures.


Es increíble lo bien preparados que están los japoneses ante este tipo de catástrofes.


#2 segun la AVT el tsumani ha sido de olas de hasta 25 metros de altura y han matado mas de 25 millones de personas.


#4 ¿y la AVT no dice de quien ha sido la culpa? Entonces no me lo creo. lol lol


Video del terremoto


#4 Claro claro


Verdadera cultural para los seismos.