Hace 10 años | Por Marco_Pagot a kickstarter.com
Publicado hace 10 años por Marco_Pagot a kickstarter.com

Creative Intelligence Arts, Inc. busca financiación a través de crowdfunding para Project Phoenix, un JRPG (videojuego de rol japonés) independiente con grandes talentos de Japón y occidente que han trabajado en los Final Fantasy, Skyrim, Halo 4, etc. En tan solo 9 horas desde el inicio de la campaña de crowdfunding se ha cubierto y sobrepasado lo solicitado: 100.000 dólares.



#1 Mírate esto que te dejo:

Isn’t $100,000 too low to be making a title of this caliber?
When you think of usual developing fees, USD100,000 is definitely not enough to create a video game. However, as each of our members are professionals in their own field, they do not require a salary right now, and so, are donating their time and effort into developing Project Phoenix. Their reward will come in the fans’ evaluation of the game and a %-based royalty of all sales. This is the reason why our project will never fail due to lack of finance after we reach our goal. It is possible to release our game with just our developers' work, but there is one cost that we just cannot ignore in order to make the highest quality video game. Our pledge, USD100,000 will be used for one of the best 3D modeling out there. This figure is the most minimum cost required.

The money that has been invested through Kickstarter will go towards things such as recordings and hiring extra assistants. The money will always be used solely to enhance the quality of Project Phoenix. This money will never reach our members as salary. Our members are working on this game knowing that they will receive a royalty of the % of income based on how much time they've spent on Project Phoenix.

Project Phoenix aspires to be a video game that solely exists because of the users. So, user evaluation will inherently be crucial to our members' future revenues. If they do not put much effort in, the users' assessment of their work will simply be poor and therefore ultimately reflect badly in the incoming they receive.

We chose Kickstarter because this is where we will be able to make all this happen. There are various exciting rewards ready for you depending on the amount of money pledged. What will the fate of Project Phoenix be? You, who invest in Project Phoenix, will be a true team member. So let's create an amazing game together!

#2 No, es el coste del desarrollo del juego. Es un videojuego independiente, no van a tener a las grandes compañías detrás, se las van a apañar ellos mismos.


Cien mil dólares es muy poco dinero para lo que viene costando un juego a día de hoy.

Ya han superado en muchos casos a lo que se gastaba en una película. Unos veinte millones es lo que viene a costar de media un juego de consolas (leído en IGN)


The gameplay feels like a more focused Real Time Strategy (RTS) game without any painful micromanagement, enhanced with JRPG systems.
Pinta bien aunque sinceramente no se que saldrá de esto.


Supongo que los 100,000€ serán para preparar algo que enseñar a inversores de verdad