Hace 15 años | Por gU2tavo a appledirt.com
Publicado hace 15 años por gU2tavo a appledirt.com

iPhone users with frustration over the lack of MMS access will soon have relief. Mobixell Networks out of Cupertino, CA announced recently a multimedia messaging support package that provides iPhone users the capability to send and receive MMS messages to and from other devices....



#0 Could you write the title and body of the post in spanish?


Yo lo que quiero es poder ponerle cápsulas de la nespresso


#0 ipone tu guein zirdpari emeemeese

ipone usuarios con frustration sobre the lack of MMS accesso pronto have relief. Mobixell Redestrabajo afuera of Cupertino, CA announced recientemente un multimedia messaging support package that provides ipone users the capability to send and receive MMS messages to and from other devicio....




Para que quieres MMS si con el iphone puedes mandar mails!