Hace 17 años | Por silviognisci a feralchildren.com
Publicado hace 17 años por silviognisci a feralchildren.com

Lost in the Cambodian jungle for eight years Rochom P'ngieng was lost in the Cambodian jungle at the age of eight when herding buffalo, and was discovered on 13 January 2007 after a villager noticed some of his food had been taken. He staked out the area and sighted a naked woman stealing his rice. She was captured by villagers. She was unable to speak any intelligible language. She was recognised by her father, policeman Ksor Lu long, because of a scar on her back. Her parents have apparently agreed to a DNA test so her identity can be confi



No es por nada, pero con 18 añicos ya no es tan cría. ¿Acabará siendo portada de interviú?


¿18? Yo había leído 27.


#1 No tiene 18 años, sino que ha estado 18 años en la selva, que sumados a los 8 que ya tenía cuando se perdió, pues eso, 26 ó 27