Hace 11 años | Por blp a fundacion-eticotaku.org
Publicado hace 11 años por blp a fundacion-eticotaku.org

En esta ocasión ha sido un estudio publicado por el MIT, en concreto (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA & Internal Medicine Group Practice, PhyNet, Inc., Longview, TX 75604, USA).



Confirmo que el estudio parece real.
No es magufada http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/Entropy/entropy-14-02227.pdf
Me parece importante


El estudio se titula por algo Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure y no cita para nada la triple vírica como sugiere la entrada y cuya conexión con el autismo fue desmontada hace meses -> http://blogs.elcorreo.com/magonia/2011/01/12/el-inventor-la-conexion-entre-triple-virica-y-autismo-planeo/


While we have not shown that aluminum is directly causative in autism, the compelling evidence available from the literature on the toxicity of aluminum, combined with the evidence we present for severe adverse reactions occurring much more frequently following administration of aluminum-containing vaccines as compared to non-aluminumcontaining vaccines, suggests that neuronal damage due to aluminum penetration into the nervous system may be a significant factor in autism
However, it is possible that other factors, such as more aggressive reporting or simultaneous increases
in other environmental toxins, e.g., herbicides or pesticides, or aluminum in other products such as
antiperspirants and antacids, may have contributed to these observed increases.


#5 Está publicado en la revista Entropy (1,1 de factor de impacto), en un especial que han hecho sobre Biosemiotic Entropy (sic) http://www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy/special_issues/biosemiotic_entropy

Abierto a estudios sobre:
Empirical and theoretical articles are invited exploring pathways by which toxins, disease agents, and their interactions, and/or injuries from microwave, electromagnetic, radiological, or other energy sources can be shown to increase biosemiotic entropy.


a Vic Mackey le gusta esto.


Voy a menear, espero que no sea una gilipollez del movimiento antivacunas.