Hace 16 años | Por carloswysiwyg a diesel.com
Publicado hace 16 años por carloswysiwyg a diesel.com

So that my critics see that I also recognize good things, and so that my homeopath realizes that I can make my positive energy flow, I would like to seize these 10 minutes between the Red Carpet and the start of the ceremony of the 32nd Successful Awards to take a squirt and to give the most positive verdict (even though I might regret it tomorrow) of 30 years career judging the best and worst dressed: At last, all the celebrities, ab-so-lu-te-ly all of them, have come well dressed to a ceremony.



#2 Es que aqui hay mucha anglofobia... Lo mismo de ayer.


¿Y esto?


Spam, paja mental? no me doy decidido.