Hace 9 años | Por mussara a zerohedge.com
Publicado hace 9 años por mussara a zerohedge.com

On an income-adjusted basis, New Yorkers are the most miserable Americans while citizens of Lafayette, LA are the happiest. As MarketWatch reports, based on a Harvard study which 'adjusts' for age, sex, race, income and other factors, the following map indicates where the happiest Americans are (blue/green) and are not (red).


Los más felices, en Mallorca.


#0 Traduce la entradilla y pon la etiqueta [Eng].

Aunque parece que el enlace original es: http://www.citylab.com/work/2014/07/why-people-still-move-to-unhappy-places/374358/

Zerohedge ni menciona fuentes ni nada

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En América del sur.

If yu ar jir it is bicós yu ar egüiner