Hace 4 años | Por CoreyCole a strategic-culture.org
Publicado hace 4 años por CoreyCole a strategic-culture.org

Uno de los aspectos más interesantes del nauseabundo proceso de impeachment o destitución...




Media Bias Fact Check

"Overall, we rate the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF) a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of Russian propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as a complete lack of transparency with the goal to deceive readers. This is not a credible source."

"Funded by / Ownership

Ownership of the Strategic Culture Foundation is not disclosed. We cannot determine how revenue is derived as there does not appear to be a source of monetization (ads, donations, etc). However, the site features authors and has maintenance costs, so funding is coming from somewhere."

"When not reporting conspiracy theories, SCF reports favorably on President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Other topics feature Homophobia and Antisemitism.

Finally, in a Politico article the Strategic Culture Foundation was described as “a part of the Kremlin’s influence apparatus and noted that Russia has long sought to amplify the voices of Western conspiracy theorists.”


porque son los enemigos "de toda la vida", yo tengo mi terreno y tú el tuyo. Y así pueden jugar una película de "buenos y malos" donde pueden pelearse usando el resto del mundo como campo de batalla. Pero si aparece un nuevo elemento en la ecuación cuyo plan consiste básicamente en quitarte el papel principal de "bueno/malo" pues eso ya da miedito.


Porque no son enemigos, son compañeros de fechorias