Hace 10 años | Por --110030-- a es.noticias.yahoo.com
Publicado hace 10 años por --110030-- a es.noticias.yahoo.com

Jerusalén, 5 ene (EFE).- Un grupo de niños palestinos ha enviado una carta al secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-Moon, para solicitar su ayuda en la recuperación de un balón de fútbol que cayó sobre territorio palestino controlado por Israel.


#11 ¿Poco verosímil? ¿Nunca se te ha colado un balón siendo pequeño?

Anda que no había que remover unas gordas para ir a pedirlo cuando caía a algún patio vecino o algo así...


#1 Creo que el caer antipático es lo que menos les puede preocupar.


La pelota está en el tejado israelí...


#26 Gaza tienen frontera con Egipto y salida al mar. La "maldad" de Israel consistio en cerrar su frontera con Gaza. Seguian teniendo frontera con Egipto y salida maritima que da acceso al resto del mundo. Ya vale de echar balones fuera. Ahora resulta que si Israel termina hasta las narices de Palestina y cierra la fronteras, encima si a los palestinos les va mal es culpa de Israel. No te jode.


#28 La maldad de Israel consistió en fundar un país donde había otro y hacer un apartheid con una parte de los habitantes originales basándose en prejuicios de religión, étnicos o lo que quisieran inventarse.
Egipto es otro país y a Gaza por mar no pueden ni llegar ni salir muchas cosas, no sé si recuerdas el caso de la famosa Flotilla con varios muertos turcos.

No nos tomes por gilipollas, haznos el favor.


#33 Alli no habia ningun pais. Habia tribus arabes que habian llegad a la zona de mano de los Otomanos exterminando a los habitantes oriundos de la zona. Vamos, lo que hoy en dia son los palestinos, jordanos y similares. Descendientes de genocidas.


Ahí estoy de acuerdo. La de salvajes que han habitado Palestina a lo largo de los tiempos:

Apresa a todos los cabecillas del pueblo y empálalos de cara al sol, ante Jehová; de ese modo se apartará de Israel la cólera de Jehová (...) Jehová le dijo entonces a Moisés: Ataca a los madianitas y acaba con ellos (Nm 25,1-17).

Cuando el cananeo, el rey de Arad, que habitaba en el Neguev, oyó que venía Israel por el camino de Atarim, peleó contra Israel, y tomó de él prisioneros. Entonces Israel hizo voto a Jehová, y dijo: Si en efecto entregares este pueblo en mi mano, yo destruiré sus ciudades. Y Jehová escuchó la voz de Israel, y entregó al cananeo, y los destruyó a ellos y a sus ciudades; y llamó el nombre de aquel lugar Horma. (Números 21, 1-3)

Entonces Jehová dijo a Moisés: No le tengas miedo, porque en tu mano lo he entregado, a él y a todo su pueblo, y a su tierra; y harás de él como hiciste de Sehón rey de los amorreos, que habitaba en Hesbón. E hirieron a él y a sus hijos, y a toda su gente, sin que le quedara uno, y se apoderaron de su tierra. (Números 21, 34-35)

Entonces Moisés habló al pueblo, diciendo: Armaos algunos de vosotros para la guerra, y vayan contra Madián y hagan la venganza de Jehová en Madián. Y pelearon contra Madián, como Jehová lo mandó a Moisés, y mataron a todo varón. Y los hijos de Israel llevaron cautivas a las mujeres de los madianitas, a sus niños, y todas sus bestias y todos sus ganados; y arrebataron todos sus bienes, e incendiaron todas sus ciudades, aldeas y habitaciones. Moisés se enojó contra los capitanes del ejército, contra los jefes de millares y de centenas que volvían de la guerra, y les dijo Moisés: ¿Por qué habéis dejado con vida a todas las mujeres? Matad, pues, ahora a todos los varones de entre los niños; matad también a toda mujer que haya conocido varón carnalmente. Pero a todas las niñas entre las mujeres, que no hayan conocido varón, las dejaréis con vida. [Para sexo y esclavitud] (Números 31, 3.7.9-10.14-15.17-18)

“Echaréis de delante de vosotros a todos los moradores del país, y destruiréis todos sus ídolos de piedra, y todas sus imágenes de fundición, y destruiréis todos sus lugares altos; Y si no echáreis a los moradores del país, de delante de vosotros, sucederá que los que dejaréis de ellos serán como aguijones en vuestros ojos y como espinas en vuestros costados, y os afligirán sobre la tierra en que vosotros habitaréis.” (Números 33, 52.55)

Cuando Jehová tu Dios te haya introducido en la tierra en la cual entrarás para tomarla, y haya echado de delante de ti a muchas naciones, al heteo, al gergeseo, al amorreo, al cananeo, al ferezeo, al heveo y al jebuseo, siete naciones mayores y más poderosas que tú, y Jehová tu Dios las haya entregado delante de ti, y las hayas derrotado, las destruirás del todo; no harás con ellas alianza, ni tendrás de ellas misericordia. Y no emparentarás con ellas; no darás tu hija a su hijo, ni tomarás a su hija para tu hijo. Mas así habéis de hacer con ellos: sus altares destruiréis, y quebraréis sus estatuas, y destruiréis sus imágenes de Asera, y quemaréis sus esculturas en el fuego. (Deuteronomio 7, 1-3.5)

Jehová tu Dios, él pasa delante de ti; él destruirá a estas naciones delante de ti, y las heredarás; Josué será el que pasará delante de ti, como Jehová ha dicho. Y hará Jehová con ellos como hizo con Sehón y con Og, reyes de los amorreos, y con su tierra, a quienes destruyó. Y los entregará Jehová delante de vosotros, y haréis con ellos conforme a todo lo que os he mandado. Esforzaos y cobrad ánimo; no temáis, ni tengáis miedo de ellos, porque Jehová tu Dios es el que va contigo; no te dejará, ni te desamparará. (Deuteronomio 31, 3-6)

Desde el desierto y el Líbano hasta el gran río Eufrates, toda la tierra de los heteos hasta el gran mar donde se pone el sol, será vuestro territorio. Nadie te podrá hacer frente en todos los días de tu vida; como estuve con Moisés, estaré contigo; no te dejaré, ni te desampararé. (Josué 1, 4-5)

… Entonces Josué, y todo Israel con él, tomaron a Acán hijo de Zera, el dinero, el manto, el lingote de oro, sus hijos, sus hijas, sus bueyes, sus asnos, sus ovejas, su tienda y todo cuanto tenía, y lo llevaron todo al valle de Acor. Y Josué le dijo: ¿Por qué nos has turbado? Túrbete Jehová en este día. Y todos los israelitas los apedrearon, y los quemaron después de apedrearlos. Y levantaron sobre él un gran montón de piedras, que permanece hasta hoy. Y Jehová se volvió del ardor de su ira. Y por esto aquel lugar se llama el Valle de Acor, hasta hoy. (Josué 7, 24-26)

Y los hirieron hasta que no quedó ninguno de ellos que escapase. Pero tomaron vivo al rey de Hai, y lo trajeron a Josué. Y cuando los israelitas acabaron de matar a todos los moradores de Hai en el campo y en el desierto a donde los habían perseguido, y todos habían caído a filo de espada hasta ser consumidos, todos los israelitas volvieron a Hai, y también la hirieron a filo de espada. Y el número de los que cayeron aquel día, hombres y mujeres, fue de doce mil, todos los de Hai. Porque Josué no retiró su mano que había extendido con la lanza, hasta que hubo destruido por completo a todos los moradores de Hai. Pero los israelitas tomaron para sí las bestias y los despojos de la ciudad, conforme a la palabra de Jehová que le había mandado a Josué*. Y Josué quemó a Hai y la redujo a un montón de escombros, asolada para siempre hasta hoy. (Josué 8, 22-28)

Y Jehová los entregó a manos de Israel, y los hirieron y los siguieron hasta Sidón la grande y hasta Misrefotmaim, y hasta el llano de Mizpa al oriente, hiriéndolos hasta que no dejaron ninguno. Y Josué hizo con ellos como Jehová le había mandado: desjarretó sus caballos, y sus carros los quemó. Y volviendo Josué, tomó en el mismo tiempo a Hazor, y mató a espada a su rey; pues Hazor había sido antes cabeza de todos estos reinos. Y mataron a espada todo cuanto en ella tenía vida, destruyéndolo por completo, sin quedar nada que respirase; y a Hazor lo quemaron. Asimismo tomó Josué todas las ciudades de aquellos reyes, y a todos los reyes de ellas, y los hirió a filo de espada, y los destruyó, como Moisés siervo de Jehová, lo había mandado. Pero a todas las ciudades que estaban sobre colinas, no las quemó Israel; únicamente a Hazor quemó Josué. Y los hijos de Israel tomaron para sí todo el botín y las bestias de aquellas ciudades; mas a todos los hombres hirieron a filo de espada hasta destruirlos, sin dejar alguno con vida. De la manera que Jehová lo había mandado a Moisés su siervo, así Moisés lo mandó a Josué; y así Josué lo hizo, sin quitar palabra de todo lo que Jehová había mandado a Moisés. (Josué 11, 8-15)

También en aquel tiempo vino Josué y destruyó a los anaceos de los montes de Hebrón, de Debir, de Anab, de todos los montes de Judá y de todos los montes de Israel; Josué los destruyó a ellos y a sus ciudades. Ninguno de los anaceos quedó en la tierra de los hijos de Israel; solamente quedaron en Gaza, en Gat y en Asdod. Josué tomó pues toda la tierra, conforme a todo lo que Jehová había dicho a Moisés; y la entregó Josué a los israelitas como herencia conforme a su distribución según sus tribus; y la tierra descansó de la guerra. (Josué 11, 21-23)

Y Saúl derrotó a los amalecitas desde Havila hasta llegar a Shur, que está al oriente de Egipto. Y tomó vivo a Agag rey de Amalec, pero todo el pueblo lo mató a filo de espada. Y Saúl y el pueblo perdonaron a Agag, y a lo mejor de las ovejas y del ganado mayor, de los animales engordados, de los carneros y de todo lo bueno, no lo quisieron destruir; mas todo lo que era vil y despreciable lo destruyeron. Y Samuel dijo: Cómo tu espada dejó a las mujeres sin hijos, así tú madre será sin hijo entre las mujeres. Entonces Samuel cortó en pedazos a Agag delante de Jehová en Gilgal. Y nunca después vio Samuel a Saúl en toda su vida; y Samuel lloraba a Saúl; y Jehová se arrepentía de haber puesto a Saúl por rey sobre Israel. (1 de Samuel 15, 7-9.33.35)


#28 Leo tu comentario y alucino, pero si asesinaron a gente que en un barco de ayuda humanitaria. Que locuras sueltas sobre "la única maldad"? Puedes poner listas de misiles, pero es que si ponemos todo lo que ha hecho Israel se queda en un chiste.



#36 Ningun problema. Pon todos los ataques de Israel a Palestina en 2012. Y asi comparamos.


#37 Claro, o los que pasaron el 13 de Octubre entre las diez y las doce del mediodía y así comparamos.

Te estás entrenando para un concurso de debate o qué leches te pasa?


#39 Bueno, parece que como de costumbre cuando se llega a los hechos desnudos siempre se evita ir a lo concreto. Claro, Israel es terriblemente malvado con los palestinos y comete barbaridades, vamos a repetirlo tantas veces como sea necesario como acto fe, pero mejor si lo dejamos en un acto de fe y no examinamos los hechos, no sea que no coincidan.


#40 Sí, verás, es como cuando le di una paliza al hijo del vecino de cinco años. Me estaba tocando las pelotas haciendo ruido, y aprovechando que su madre no estaba y el tonto me abrió la puerta, lo agarré del cuello y empecé a darle puñetazos muy fuerte.

Pero eh, vamos a los hechos concretos,

Día x de Febrero.

10:11 AM - El niñato me araña
10:12 AM - Intenta morderme
10:14 AM -Me da una patada
10:16 AM - Me escupe, y encima un escupitajo todo ensangrentado

Tengo registro de todos sus ataques, que picara a su casa y lo dejara medio muerto, no viene al caso. El cabrón me atacó, eso son hechos desnudos.

Afortunamente, lo de matar al vecino de una paliza por meter ruido es una fantasía que no podré realizar. Yo a diferencia de Israel cumplo el código penal a rajatabla.


#41 Todos tus argumentos serian ciertos si se tratara solo de niños. Pero los cohetes, misiles, morterazos a Israel no los lanzan niños, los lanza Hamas y otras mafias islamofascistas. Y por que los lanza? Por la opresion de su pueblo? Bueno, si fuera asi una manera de liberar esa opresion seria tratar de lograr un acuerdo, no es asi?

Pero da la casualidad que Hamas, desde siempre, ha realizado siempre sus peores atentados cuando hay conversaciones de paz entre Israel y los palestinos. Y afirma claramente que su objetivo es no solo destruir a Israel, sino, si estuviera en su mano, asesinar a los judios de todo el mundo, amen de "reconquistar" las tierras para el Islam... incluyendo a Al Andalus, no se si te suena el nombre.

Claro, ahora sigue con tu fabula de que se trata de un niño que te da una patada o te escupe. Supongo que Atocha habra sido tambien una escupida de tu niñito islamofascista.


#41 El caso es que aqui no hablamos de un niñato arañando o escupiendo. Hablamos de que te tiren un cohete o un mortero a tu casa, lo cual es ligeramente mas serio. Otra cosa es que tu, como buen psicopata, carezcas de compasion por los problemas ajenos.


Me lo parece a mi o este hilo hiede a chusma sionista?


#14 O sea, que según tú, ser crítico con la veracidad de la información es ahora ser sionista...

La "noticia" es un mini-escrito de la Agencia EFE que a su vez lo recoge de la agencia de noticias palestina Maan. No ofrece fuentes, no ofrece imágenes, no explica cómo hicieron los niños para ponerse en contacto con la ONU... pero claro, sólo por el hecho de que es propaganda anti-Israel pues se menea.

Y luego está la lógica, porque es taaaan probable que a unos críos que se les cuela un balón de fútbol pida ayuda a la ONU...


#16 Es una cuestion de ideologia.

Porque luego tienes esta otra noticia, que salio practicamente a la vez, que habla de un equipo de representa a medio millon de palestinos portando un mapa que incluye a Israel dentro de Palestina, no como territorio ocupado ni nada similar, sino como "parte de", vamos: que apoya la invasion del pais pura y simple. Y la noticia es censurada rapidamente.

Representantes de comunidad judía en Chile se indignan por mapa en camiseta del club de fútbol Palestino

Hace 10 años | Por --217613-- a lanacion.cl

Porque oye, eso de que el objetivo palestino sea echar a los israelies al mar es una "mentira", segun mucho aqui, asi que lo suyo es censurar la noticia anterior, para no tener que verla, que la realidad molesta, y menear esta noticia, que encaja mejor, aunque no tenga veracidad ni fuentes en condiciones ni datos ni nada.


#16 No estoy entrando a valorar la noticia. Estoy valorando los comentarios de la chusma racista proisraelí. Tienes algo de compresión lectora todavía? Utilízala si sabes! D



Operación plomo fundido:
El número de muertos (Palestina) oscila según estas fuentes entre los 1.166 que reconoce el ejército israelí a los 1.417 del informe del Centro Palestino para los Derechos Humanos. El número de civiles varía significativamente entre el ejército israelí, que habla de 295 civiles fallecidos (a los que se podría sumar hasta 162 muertos más) y las 926 víctimas civiles del informe del Centro Palestino para los Derechos Humanos.

(Israel) Desde el inicio de la ofensiva terrestre hasta la declaración de alto el fuego el 18 de enero murieron nueve soldados israelíes, cuatro de ellos a causa del fuego amigo.12 Entre ellos se encontraban soldados rasos, dos oficiales y un ingeniero del ejército israelí.


#27 Lista de ataques con cohete de Palestina a Israel en 2012:


In January, according to the Israel Security Agency's monthly summary, Palestinians fired 9 rockets and 7 mortar shells at Israel in 14 separate attacks.[2]

January 1
Palestinians fired two mortar shells containing phosphorus into Eshkol Regional Council. The shells landed in open fields, causing no injuries or damage.[3] The Eshkol Regional Council filed a formal complaint with the United Nations, noting that the Geneva Conventions prohibit the use of phosphorus against civilians.[4]

January 19
After nightfall, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[5]

January 21
Overnight, Palestinians fired three mortar shells into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage. In response to the attack, an Israeli Air Force helicopter immediately struck a group of terrorists in the Rafah area.[6][7]

January 22
Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[8] In response to this attack and previous ones, Israel carried out air strikes on a weapons factory in the central Gaza Strip, two tunnels in the northern Strip and one tunnel in southern Gaza, causing no injuries.[9][10]

January 24
In the afternoon, Palestinians fired two Qassam rockets into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[11]


In February, according to the Israel Security Agency's monthly summary, Palestinians launched 36 rockets and 1 mortar shell at Israel in 28 separate attacks.[12]

February 1
Between about 6:30 and 9:16 pm, Palestinians fired 8 rockets into the Shaar Hanegev and Ashkelon Coast regional councils, causing no injuries or damage. Local residents were instructed to stay within 15 seconds of bomb shelters in case of additional attacks. Israeli security officials estimated that the attacks were so timed because of the stormy weather, which limits the effectiveness of rocket detection systems.[13][14][15] Next day, Israeli warplanes struck six targets in Gaza in response to previous rocket attacks, hitting two weapons storage facilities, three tunnels used for terror activities and a weapons manufacturing facility.[16]

February 6
Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage. The Color Red alarm sounded near in the area prior to the explosion.[17]

February 10
After nightfall, Palestinian terrorists fired a rocket into a community in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. The rocket exploded between two homes, sending shrapnel that penetrated one of the homes while civilians were sitting in the living room. The rocket also damaged an electrical pole, cutting off power. No injuries were reported.[18]

February 11
Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[19] Israel responded to the attack and to the previous one with air strikes on three tunnels used for terror activity – in the south, center and north of the Gaza Strip – and a weapons manufacturing facility in the north. Officials in the Hamas-ruled territory said that one civilian man was killed and another was wounded.[20]

February 15
Palestinians fired five rockets at Israel. Two rockets exploded in the Sdot Negev Regional Council, two more fell in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, and a fifth fell in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. In response, the Israeli Air Force struck two targets in the Gaza Strip: a Hamas militant site in Gaza City, and a Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant site in Nuseirat.[21][22] France condemned both the Palestinian attacks and the Israeli response.[23]

February 17
Palestinians took advantage of the stormy weather, which hinders Israeli rocket warning systems, and fired two rockets into Israel. One landed in the Eshkol Regional Council, and the other hit the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, south of Ashkelon. Later, Palestinians fired an additional rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported in any of the attacks.[24][25]

February 18
With the stormy weather continuing, at about 11:30 am Palestinian terrorists fired a Grad rocket at Beersheba; the projectile landed outside the city. Sirens sounded in Beersheba and the Bnei Shimon Regional Council, and residents entered shelters.[26][27]

Palestinian terrorists later fired a rocket toward Israel, but it exploded instead on a Palestinian home in the Gaza Strip, causing no injuries.[28]

Israel responded to recent attacks with an air strike on a weapons manufacturing site in the Gaza Strip.[29]

February 19
After nightfall, Palestinians fired two Qassam rockets into the Sdot Negev Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[30]

February 21
After nightfall, Palestinians fired a mortar shell into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[31]

February 23
Palestinians fired two Qassam rockets into the Sha'ar Hanegev and Eshkol regional councils, causing no injuries or damage. Residents of the former said that the Color Red alarm sounded only seconds before the rocket exploded, and some did not manage to reach rocket shelters in time.[32][33][34]

February 24
At about 1 am, a Palestinian terrorist cell attempting to fire rockets at Israel was thwarted when an IAF jet fired at it. Palestinian sources said that two people were injured.[35] At about 2:30 am, Palestinians terrorists fired two rockets into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage. Israel responded with air strikes on two terror targets in the northern Gaza Strip.[33][34][35][35][36]

February 25
In the evening, Palestinian terrorists fired two Qassam rockets at Ashkelon. One landed in an open area within the city, and the other landed in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. After nightfall, a third Qassam rocket landed in the southern Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported in any of the attacks. In response, IAF aircraft targeted a weapons-manufacturing site and a smuggling tunnel in southern Gaza Strip, causing no injuries.[37][38][39][40][41][42]

February 26
In the morning, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[43]

February 28
Palestinians fired a rocket into the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, near Ashkelon, causing no injuries or damage. The Color Red alarm sounded in the region.[44][45]

Israel sent a demonstratively terse letter of protest to the United Nations, saying: "Ten days, ten rockets and not one condemnation".[46]


In mid-March there was a significant escalation of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel. Throughout the month, according to the Israel Security Agency's routine monthly summary, Palestinians fired 173 rockets and 19 mortar shells at Israel in 156 separate attacks.[47] However, according to a different report by the agency, during the escalation alone Palestinians fired 281 rockets at Israel, of which 86 were long-range.[48]

March 1–8

March 1
Palestinians fired three rockets toward Ashkelon. The projectiles landed in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[49]

March 2
Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[50]

March 3
After nightfall, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[51]

March 8
On the morning of the Jewish holiday of Purim, Palestinians fired a mortar shell into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[52]

March 9–15

Main article: March 2012 Gaza-Israel clashes
Palestinians fired over 300 Grad missiles, rockets and mortars deep into Israel. Three civilians were wounded directly by the fire, one of them seriously. Additionally, 21 people suffered from shock and 11 were injured while fleeing for cover. Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted many of the Palestinian-launched projectiles aimed at large cities, shooting down 56 rockets in 71 attempts.[53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60]

Most of the attacks followed an Israeli air strike on Zuhair al-Qaissi, commander of the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees, a terrorist group with close ties to Hamas, and Mahmoud Hanini, a top field commander in the group. Al-Qaissi had overseen the 2011 southern Israel cross-border attacks, which killed eight Israelis including six civilians.[61] Israeli officials said that he was preparing the final stages of a new mega-attack that could have claimed multiple lives.[62]

To protect students from the rockets, Israeli officials cancelled classes in all schools in the cities of Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beersheba, Netivot, Kiryat Malakhi, Kiryat Gat, Gedera, Yavne, Lakya and other southern communities, as well as in Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Ashkelon Academic College and Sami Shamoon College of Engineering.[63][64][65][66] The Home Front Command barred all mass gatherings in southern Israeli communities.[67] The Israel Police raised the level of alert around the country.[68]

Israel responded with air strikes on weapons storage facilities, rocket launching sites, weapon manufacturing facilities, training bases, posts, tunnels and terror operatives, killing 22 militants, mostly from Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the others from the Popular Resistance Committees. Four civilians were killed as well.[56][69][70][71][72]

The United States, France, and an official from the United Nations condemned the Palestinian attacks, and the US stressed that Israel has the right to defend itself.[73][74] The Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Arab League, Syria, Egypt and Iran condemned Israel's responsive air strikes on militants.[75][76][77][78][79][80]

Details of individual attacks follow:

March 9
Palestinians fired two mortar shells into the Eshkol Regional Council.[81]
In the early evening, at least fou


Que tios, Vaya pelotas ♪♫


Si se preocupan tanto por una pelota entonces significa que estan bien dentro de todo, empiezan con el first world problem


mientras tanto los niños israelíes le piden a Ban Ki Moon que los palestinos dejen de tirar cohetes sobre guarderías israelíes.


#19 Mientras tanto los niños palestinos estan hartos de que los usen como escudos humanso, hartos de que las fuerzas de seguridad del estado proteja los niños israelis tirando piedras, hartos de que les echen de sus casas, hartos de que destruyan sus casas, hartos de que les tiren bolas de goma a la cabeza, hartos de que... pero como Israel les ignora tambien están hartos de pedirselo a ONU, ya solo piden que les devuelvan la pelota


#20 Ya que haces alusion a los escudos humanos:

Si los palestinos votan a esa gentuza de Hamas que afirma en público que hay que usar a los niños y mujeres palestinos (compatriotas) como escudos humanos, entiende que es su problema por que ellos lo consienten.


#19 Si buscas la comparativa de civiles muertos en el conflicto Israel Palestina verás que los niños israelíes no han necesitado pedir mucho.
Te lo he buscado yo, en Wikipedia:
*En vidas humanas, las estimaciones oscilan desde los 51.000 fallecidos (35.000 árabes y 16.000 judíos) desde 1950 hasta 2007


#22 Ataques con cohetes desde Palestina a territorio israeli este año desde abril hasta octubre. Vamos, en los ultimos meses:


In April, Palestinians fired 17 rockets and 5 mortar shells at Israel in 13 separate attacks. Two of the rockets were fired from Egypt.[14]
April 2
Palestinians attempted to fire two mortar shells into Israel; both landed within the Gaza Strip. Later, in the evening, a third projectile was fired into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[15]
The Mujahedeen Shura Council claimed responsibility for the attacks, saying they were a response to the death of Palestinian man Maysara Abuhamdia that day while in Israeli custody. The 64-year-old Abuhamdia, who was serving a life sentence for his role in a foiled plot to blow up a busy Jerusalem cafe in 2002, died of throat cancer at the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba, Israel. His death also sparked violence by Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.[16][17][18]
Israel responded to the attacks with air strikes on two targets in the Gaza Strip that night, causing no injuries.[16] This was the first such strike since Operation Pillar of Defense. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said: "[W]e see Hamas as being responsible for everything that is fired from the Strip at Israel. We won't allow any routine involving a drizzle of rockets at our civilians and forces."[19]
April 3
Around 7:30 am, Palestinians fired two rockets at the Israeli city of Sderot. The rockets struck just as parents were dropping their children off at schools and kindergartens, triggering sirens and sending families fleeing for cover. No injuries or damage were reported.[19]
United Nations special envoy to the Middle East Robert Serry condemned the "indiscriminate firing of rockets into civilian areas" and also called on Israel to exercise restraint.[20] France said it "harshly condemns" the rocket fire on the "civilian population in south Israel". Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: "If the quiet is violated, we will respond strongly".[21]
The Mujahedeen Shura Council claimed responsibility for the attack. The group also alleged that the Palestinian Hamas regime in Gaza arrested two of its members in response. Hamas denied detaining the militants, saying: "Our security apparatus is part of the resistance [i.e., warfare against Israel] and does not arrest anyone who resists the occupation. On the contrary, we encourage resistance."[22][23]
April 4
In the early morning, Palestinians fired a rocket and three mortar shells at Israel. The rocket landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council at around 2 am, triggering alarms in nearby communities, while two of the mortars fell within the Gaza Strip. No injuries or damage were reported.[24][25]
Israeli envoy to the UN Ron Prosor called on the United Nations Security Council to condemn the rocket attacks, writing: "The time has come for the Security Council to begin to worry for the safety of Israeli citizens as well".[26]
April 7
In the evening, as Israelis began observance of the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day and during a visit by US Secretary of State John Kerry in the region, Palestinians fired three rockets at Israel. One exploded in an open area in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council. The other two were believed to have fallen within the Gaza Strip. No injuries or damage were reported.[27][28]
Following the attack, Israel partially closed its border crossings with the Gaza Strip, while keeping the Erez crossing open for humanitarian passage.[29] Israel completely reopened the crossings on 12 April.[30]
April 17
Main article: Rocket attacks on Eilat and Aqaba
Around 9 am, two 122 mm Grad rockets were fired at the Israeli resort city of Eilat on the Red Sea coast, triggering alarms. The rockets were believed to have been fired from Egypt's adjacent Sinai Peninsula. One of the rockets exploded in a construction site in the residential neighborhood of Shahamon, while the other fell adjacent to the main hotel strip, near the Jordanian border. No physical injuries or damage were reported, but a number of residents suffered from acute stress reaction. The attack forced a temporary complete closure of Eilat Airport. An Iron Dome battery that had been stationed by the city did not intercept the rockets. Two rockets also landed in Jordan's neighboring resort city of Aqaba.[31][32][33][34]
The Mujahideen Shura Council claimed responsibility for the attack, saying they had targeted "occupied Eilat" [sic] as a "response to the continued suffering of the downtrodden prisoners in Israeli jails".[35]
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that Israel would respond to the attack, as was the country's consistent policy for the past four years.[36][37]
April 18
Around 11 pm, Palestinians fired two rockets into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red alarm failed to sound.[38]
April 21
Before daybreak, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, triggering sirens in nearby towns and forcing residents into bomb shelters. No injuries or damage were reported.[39][40]
April 27
On the evening of the Jewish Lag BaOmer holiday, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Sdot Negev Regional Council. The projectile exploded near a residential area but caused no injuries or damage. Israeli children who were celebrating the holiday with bonfires were instructed to return home.[41][42]
Israel responded to the attack with air strikes on two sites in the southern Gaza Strip belonging to the militant wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine: a training facility and a weapons storage site, causing no injuries. It also temporarily closed the Kerem Shalom border crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip for commercial goods, keeping it open exclusively for humanitarian passage. The Israel Defense Forces stated that it "will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli civilians, and will not allow for a return to the reality before Pillar of Defense where Israeli civilians are threatened".[43][44][45]
April 29
Before daybreak, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. The projectile exploded in an open area and caused no injuries or damage. The Color Red alarm sounded in nearby communities.[46][47]
April 30
The Palestinian Ansar Brigades claimed to have launched 5 mortar shells at the Israeli towns of Kerem Shalom and Holit (in the Eshkol Regional Council). No mortar hits were observed in Israel, however, and it was suggested that the projectiles all fell within the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian group said the attacks on the towns were a response to Israel's targeted killing of Haitham al-Mishal, a terrorist involved in the recent rocket attack on Eilat. "The occupation does not respect the truce nor fulfill its commitments," the group said in a statement. "The truce can go to hell."[48][49]

In May, Palestinians carried out two rocket attacks on Israel.[50]
May 2
In the evening, Palestinians fired two mortar shells into the Eshkol Regional Council. The projectiles landed in open areas, causing no injuries or damage.[51]
May 15
As Israelis celebrated the holiday of Shavuot, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, triggering the Color Red alarm. The projectile landed in an open area, causing no injuries or damage. The attack occurred as Palestinians marked Nakba Day and coincided with widespread Palestinian violence against Israelis in Jerusalem and the West Bank.[52][53]
In a separate incident that took place in the morning, two mortar shells were fired from Syria at Mount Hermon in the Israeli Golan Heights. The shells landed in open areas, causing no injuries or damage, but forcing a closure of the area to hikers for several hours. A previously unknown Palestinian Islamist group calling itself the Abdul Qader al-Husseini brigades claimed responsibility for the launchings, saying that its motive was "avenging all our martyrs that we lost in our war with the Zionist enemy". Mortar shells fired from Syria had landed in the Israeli Golan Heights in several previous incidents, but all of these were presumed to be accidental fallout from the Syrian civil war.[54][55]

In June, Palestinians launched 5 rockets at Israel in 3 separate attacks.[56]
June 19
Around 5:40 am, as world leaders were gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the 90th birthday of Israeli President Shimon Peres, Palestinian terrorists fired one to three rockets toward the coastal city of Ashkelon, triggering sirens in the city and in surrounding communities. The rockets apparently landed within the Gaza Strip, and no injuries or damage were reported.[57][58]
June 23/24
Overnight, Palestinians fired rockets at the city of Netivot, the Bnei Shimon Regional Council, and the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. Two of the projectiles were intercepted by Iron Dome. Air raid sirens sounded as far as Beersheba, Rahat and Lahavim. No injuries or damage were reported. Palestinian Islamic Jihad was believed to be behind the attacks, and their motivation was thought to be internal tension in the Gaza Strip after an Islamic Jihad leader was killed by Hamas police the previous day.
Israel responded the same night with air strikes on two arms depots in the central Gaza Strip, a rocket launching site, and a terror activity site in the southern part of the Strip. It also temporarily closed the Kerem Shalom and Erez border crossings between Israel and Gaza for commercial passage.[59][60][61]

In July, Palestinians launched 7 rockets at Israel in 6 separate attacks. Five of the rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip and two originated from the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.[62]
July 4
A rocket was fired from Egypt at Eilat. Israelis reported hearing several explosions in the area, and the remains of a rocket were found five days later.[63]
July 18
In the evening, Palestinians fired two rockets at the Eshkol Regional Council. No inj


#22 En 2012, 800 ataques con cohetes sin provocacion desde territorio palestino hacia Israel.


#7 Ese calibre es más adecuado para reventar las cabezas de los trolls. ¿Sientes el punto de luz roja en tu entrecejo?


¿Esto se considera realmente una noticia?


Lista de ataques con cohete de Palestina a Israel en 2012 (continuacion):

April 23
In the morning, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council. For unknown reasons, the Color Red alarm failed to sound. A second rocket was fired into the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. Neither attack caused injuries or damage.[180][181]

April 30
After nightfall, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage. The Color Red alarm sounded in nearby towns.[182]


May 1
Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[183] Israel retaliated by attacking a tunnel in northern Gaza.[184]

May 9
Palestinians launched a Qassam rocket into the Sdot Negev Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[185]

May 15
In the morning, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[186]


In June, according to the Israel Security Agency's monthly summary, Palestinians launched 83 rockets and 11 mortar shells, 3 shooting at Israel in 99 separate attacks. Also had been reported that Two were killed and seven were injured [187],

June 1
Palestinians fired two rockets into Israel, causing no injuries or damage. The attack followed a separate incident in which Palestinian fighter Ahmed Nassir infiltrated Israel and opened fire on soldiers, leading to his own death and that of Golani Brigade St.-Sgt. Netanel Moshiashvili (21). Israel responded with air strikes on terror facilities associated with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, killing one militant and wounding two others.[188][189][190][191]

June 3
Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[192]

June 5
Palestinians fired a mortar shell into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[193]

June 16
Main article: Rocket attacks on Eilat and Aqaba#June 16, 2012
A 122 mm Grad missile launched from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula or Jordan exploded near Uvda in the southern Arava region.[194][195]

June 17
Palestinians fired rockets into Israel. Israel responded the following day with air strikes on a weapons manufacturing facility in the southern Gaza Strip and a terror activity site in the central Gaza Strip.[196] Also Israeli aircraft attacked a motorbike in the northern Gaza Strip, killing two Islamic Jihad operatives who were behind a series of recent sniper attacks along the Gaza border.[197] An Israeli civilian, Said Fashapshe, 35, of Haifa, had been killed in by terrorists in the clashes.[198] Additional Israeli airstrikes killed other two Palestinians.[199]

June 19
Ten Grad rockets and over 30 Qassam rockets were fired into Israel, some by Hamas. Four people were injured by shrapnel during one of the attacks.[200][201]

June 20
An estimated 65 rockets were fired into southern Israel. One of the rockets directly hit a home in the Sdot Negev Regional Council.[202][203]

June 21
Seven rockets were launched into the Eshkol Regional Council And Ashkelon.[204]

June 22
Two Qassam rockets fired from the northern Gaza Strip exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[205]

June 23
More than 20 rockets were fired into Israel. A 50-year-old resident of Netivot was wounded when a Qassam rocket directly hit a factory in the Sderot industrial zone. He received shrapnel wounds in his neck and was transported to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon.[206] [207][208]

June 25
Despite a truce, two mortar shells were launched from Gaza into Israel.[209] landing in the Eshkol Regional Council.

June 26
Palestinians fired four rockets into Israel, of which two were intercepted by the Iron Dome system.[210] A chicken coop was damaged.[211]

July 5
In the morning, Palestinian militants in Gaza fired a Qassam rocket toward Israel’s Eshkol Regional Council.[213]

July 6
In the morning, Palestinian terrorists fired a Qassam rocket into the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[214]

July 9
In the afternoon, a Qassam rocket launched from Gaza landed in the Eshkol Regional Council.[215]

July 16
In the morning, a Qassam rocket fired from Gaza landed in an open field in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council.[216]

July 24
In the evening, Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired two rockets at Israel. One was intercepted over Ashkelon by the Iron Dome missile defense system. The second rocket hit open territory in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. There were no reports of injuries or damage.[217]

July 25
A rocket was fired into the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, with no reported damage or casualties.[218]

July 27
Palestinians fired two projectiles into agricultural fields in the Eshkol Regional Council.[219]

July 28
Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip exploded in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. A woman was lightly injured while running to a shelter. No other injuries or damage were reported.[219]


In August, according to the Israel Security Agency's monthly summary, Palestinians fired 21 rockets and 3 mortar shells at Israel in 16 separate attacks.[220]

August 5
A Qassam rocket hit Sderot, with no injuries reported.[221]

August 6
A Qassam rocket hit the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, with no injuries reported [221]

August 7
At 7 am, a rocket launched from Gaza hit the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council.[222]

August 8
A Qassam rocket hit the Eshkol Regional Council, with no injuries reported.[223]

August 12
A Qassam rocket hit the Eshkol Regional Council, with no injuries reported [224]

August 16
A rocket was launched from Gaza into the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, with no injuries reported.[225]

August 23
A rocket launched from Gaza fell in the outskirts of a kibbutz in the Eshkol Regional Council[226]

August 26
Two rockets hit Sderot, and one hit the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council.[227] Two people suffered from shock,[228] and two factories sustained structural damage. Another rocket fell in open areas.[228] An al-Qaeda-affiliated Salafi group, Jamiat ul-Mujahedin Bayt al-Maqdis, claimed responsibility for the attack.[229]

August 27
As the school year was beginning,[229] a Qassam rocket exploded outside Sderot in an open area. No harm was caused.[230] An additional rocket landed in Sderot, and a third rocket hit the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council.[230]

August 28
Two rockets and one mortar shell were fired from Gaza into the Eshkol Regional Council, landing in open areas. The attack marked the third continuous day of rocket fire from Gaza.[229] Israel responded by carrying out airstrikes on two weapons production sites and a weapons warehouse in northern Gaza.[231] The "Mujahideen Shura Council of Jerusalem" group claimed responsibility for an attack on Ashkelon with five Grad missiles.[232] Two other mortars were launched during the evening [233], with no casualties or damage reported.

August 31
A rocket exploded in Sderot and directly hit a home. A woman developed acute stress reaction symptoms and received treatment.[234] The house sustained damage. Another rocket exploded in an open area in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council.[235]


In September, according to the Israel Security Agency's monthly summary, Palestinians fired 17 rockets and 8 mortar shells at Israel in 25 separate attacks.[236]

September 1
In the evening, Palestinians fired several rockets into Israel, hitting open fields in Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.[237]
September 2
Two Grad missiles were launched from northern Gaza.[237] One missile exploded in a closed field in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council after passing over Netivot.[237]
September 4
Two Grad missiles were launched from northern Gaza.[237] One missile exploded in a closed field in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council after passing Netivot.[237]
21:35 a rocket fell near Eshkol [238]
September 6
At 5:40 A.M. two rockets fell near Netivot and the Sdot Negev Regional Council.[239]
At 17:47 a rocket fell near Eshkol.[240]
September 7
At 6:20 A.M. two rockets fell near Netivot.[241]
September 9
A Grad rocket was fired at Beersheba a little past 2 A.M., exploding in an open area.[242]
A Grad rocket was fired soon after the previous attack and hit two homes in Netivot, causing serious damage to both buildings. The rocket directly hit one of the homes, although the building was empty, and the second home was damaged by shrapnel. Its inhabitant managed to survive by finding shelter in the bathroom.[243] Seven civilians were injured, and four people were treated for shock. Authorities in Beersheba and Ashdod announced that school would be cancelled the following day.[244][243]
September 11
17:07 A Qassam rocket hit the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.[245]
18:56 A Qassam rocket hit the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.[246]
21:48 Two Qassam rockets hit the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council.[247]
September 14
Two Qassam rockets hit the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.[248]

September 28
21:50 A mortar hit the Eshkol Regional Council.[249]


In October, according to the Israel Security Agency's monthly summary, Palestinians fired 116 rockets and 55 mortar shells at Israel in 92 separate attacks.[250]

In late October, Sderot Mayor David Buskila began a hunger strike outside of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office, protesting what he perceived as the lack of attention by the government to Israeli towns that suffer from rocket attacks and demanding that the government intervene in the issue.[251] Five days into Buskila's hunger strike, the Israeli government approved a NIS 270 million plan to increase fortifications for all Israeli towns between 4.5-7 km of the Gaza Strip. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained that "this will bring security to the southern residents. This is something which southern residents have been requesting for a long time."[251]

October 1


Lista de ataques con cohete de Palestina a Israel en 2012 (continuacion):

October 4
In the evening, according to an Israel Defense Forces spokesperson, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Ashkelon area.[253]

October 8
On the morning of the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups fired more than 50 rockets and mortars into Israel. One of the rockets landed in a petting zoo in the Eshkol Regional Council, killing two goats and wounding nine other goats. A worker stated that the zoo was usually "packed with children" but was empty at the time because of the holiday. A residential building was also damaged, but no human injuries were reported. Israelis in the Eshkol Regional Council were instructed to remain in shelters for several hours. This marked the first time since June that Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, claimed responsibility for rocket attacks on Israel. The group's stated aim was vengeance against "Zionist crimes"; this was an allusion to an Israeli air strike the previous day against Muhammad Jerbi, a jihadist militant from Rafah, and Abdullah Mohamed Hassan Maqawi, a member of the The Mujahideen Shura Council of Jerusalem, a Gazan militant group.[254][255]

October 9
Palestinians fired 6 rockets into Israel. No injuries or damage were reported in any of the attacks.

Around 6 am, a rocket was launched into the Eshkol Regional Council.[256]
In the afternoon, a Qassam rocket was fired into the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council.[257]
After nightfall, two Qassam rockets landed outside Sderot, and three Grad missiles landed outside Netivot.[256][258]
Israel responded with an air strike on an infiltration tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip.[259]

October 10
In the morning, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council.[260] Another rocket exploded in an open area in the city of Netivot.[261] In the evening, a Grad missile was fired toward Netivot.[262] No injuries or damage were reported in any of the attacks. Israel responded with an air strike on a Hamas training camp, causing no injuries.[263]

October 12
Around 19:30, Palestinians from the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem fired a Grad missile into Netivot, which exploded in the backyard of a family home. Shrapnel pierced the walls of the home and penetrated a child's bedroom. Though there were no physical injuries, two people were hospitalized for acute stress reaction. Israel responded with an air strike on two Mujahideen Shura Council terrorists riding a motorcycle in the northern Gaza Strip. One was killed and the other was injured.[264][265][266]

October 14
Palestinians fired two rockets into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage. In a separate incident, Israeli forces targeted Palestinians terrorists as they were preparing to fire rockets into Israel, killing one and injuring another.[267]

October 16
Palestinians fired a rocket that landed near a home in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. The building was damaged and two people were treated for acute stress reaction. A second rocket landed in an open area in the Lachish Regional Council. Local residents were urged to stay close to bomb shelters. The attacks followed a threat against Israel by Sinai-based Salafist group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdes. Israel responded with an air strike on a base of Hamas' armed wing in the northern Gaza Strip, causing no injuries.[268][269][270]

October 17
Palestinian terrorists fired at least seven rockets into southern Israel, one of which struck a kindergarten. The building was damaged, but no one was in it at the time and no injuries were caused. The other rockets landed in open areas. Israel returned fire at the source of the rockets and hit some of the terrorists, according to Palestinian media.[271]

October 18
Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[272]

October 22
Palestinians fired 7 rockets into the Shaar Hanegev and Ashkelon Coast regional councils. No injuries or damage were reported. In two separate incidents, Israel launched air strikes on terrorists preparing to fire projectiles into Israel, killing two members of the Popular Resistance Committees.[273][274]

October 23
Palestinians fired 3 rockets into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[275]

October 24
Palestinian terrorists fired at least 80 rockets and mortars into Israel; most landed in the Eshkol, Lachish and Ashkelon Coast regional councils. Five people were injured; two of the victims were critically wounded and were evacuated by helicopter to Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba. A house was also reportedly damaged. At least 8 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system. Municipalities in southern Israel cancelled school. Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, claimed responsibility for the attacks. Israeli air strikes on rocket launching squads killed four Hamas militants throughout the day.[276][277][278][279]

October 25
Despite an informal ceasefire, Palestinians launched a mortar shell into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[280]

October 28
Overnight, Palestinians fired two Qassam rockets into the Eshkol Regional Council. In the morning, a third Qassam rocket[281] and two Grad missiles exploded near Beersheba.[282] The Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility for one of the Grad missiles.[283][284] The Beersheba municipality cancelled school; Mayor Rubik Danilovich explained that the decision resulted from experience, saying, "We've had four direct hits on schools, and each of those times was when we were told to resume normalcy."[284] In the afternoon, another rocket landed near Ashkelon.[285]

October 29
Throughout the night and morning, Palestinians fired 20 rockets and mortars at Sderot and the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. Residents of these towns were cautioned to stay within 15 seconds of reinforced "secure rooms" for protection in case a rocket fell.[286][287]

October 30
in 7:44 in the morning a rocket hit the outskirts of Dimona [288], no injuries or damage reported. That was the first time 45Km rocket had been used.

October 31
In the morning, Palestinians fired two Qassam rockets into the Eshkol Regional Council. One rocket exploded in an open area within a town, but caused no injuries or damage.[289]


November 4
Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into Israel, causing no injuries or damage.[290]

November 6
At 10:20am [291] Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[292]

November 9
In the afternoon, Palestinians fired two Qassam rockets into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[293]

November 10
Palestinians fired 25 rockets at Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gan Yavne and other communities. The Iron Dome anti-rocket system intercepted at least one rocket aimed at Ashdod.[294]

November 11
Gazan terror groups fired over 100 rockets and mortars at Israeli cities and towns. A barrage against Sderot, timed to coincide with the morning commute to work, injured 3 people. One victim, physical education teacher Moshik Levy, was moderately wounded by shrapnel and glass from his car windshield which exploded in his face. A fourth person was injured while fleeing for cover, and five more people were treated for acute stress reaction. Two homes, one in Sderot and one in the Eshkol Regional Council, were damaged by direct rocket hits. United States Ambassador Dan Shapiro declared that his country "supports Israel’s right to defend itself and its citizens from these attacks."[294]

November 14
Following the Israeli targeted killing of Hamas military chief Ahmed Jabari, Palestinian terrorists fired over 20 rockets at Israeli cities. For the first time, a Grad missile was fired toward Dimona, home to Israel's Negev Nuclear Research Center. Seventeen Grad missiles were fired at Beersheba. One rocket directly hit a store in the city, lightly injuring one woman. Another exploded into a car, setting it on fire. Several other buildings were reportedly damaged. Additional rockets were launched at Ashkelon and the Eshkol Regional Council. The Iron Dome defense system intercepted some 15 rockets. Israeli authorities asked residents within range of rocket fire to remain within 15 seconds of a bomb shelter at all times. Municipalities in the region, including those of Beersheba, Ashdod and Ashkelon, cancelled school for the following day.[295][296]

November 22
Ynet reported that in 10:06 a rocket that caused air-raid sirens to go off in Hof Ashkelon landed inside the Gaza Strip[319]

December 23
In the evening, Palestinians launched a rocket that apparently landed within the Gaza Strip.[320]


Lo que esta pasando en aquella zona del mundo no tiene nombre, gracias a los abusos de Israel, pero tambien hay que reconocer que parece que la gente de Palestina odia a Israel mas de lo que aman a su hijos, porque de otra manera no se entiende como esos padres permiten y alientan a que sus hijos luchen contra el ejercito israelí. Esto no es mas que otro ejemplo de como los palestinos utilizan a sus hijos en este conflicto. La guerra es cosa de adultos.


La ONU les comprará un balón nuevo (como si el problema fuese este).


Lista de ataques con cohete de Palestina a Israel en 2012 (continuacion):

March 9
Palestinians fired two mortar shells into the Eshkol Regional Council.[81]
In the early evening, at least four Grad missiles fired at Ashdod, Gan Yavne and Kiryat Malachi were intercepted by Iron Dome.[82]
Late in the evening, several rockets were fired at Beersheba. Some landed on the outskirts of the city, and at least one was intercepted by Iron Dome.[82]
Six Qassam rockets were fired on the Shaar Hanegev, Sdot Negev and Eshkol regional councils.[83]
March 10
During the night, a rocket fired at Beersheba damaged a building and activated air raid sirens. Residents fled to shelters. A second rocket fired at the city was intercepted by Iron Dome.[84]
Two rockets fired at Ashdod were intercepted by Iron Dome.[85]
A rocket fired at Beersheba from the northern Gaza Strip landed in an open area.[86]
Two rockets exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council.[87][88]
A rocket exploded near Sderot. The Color Red alarm sounded in the area.[89]
A Qassam rocket exploded in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council.[90]
Two rockets fired at Ashkelon were intercepted by Iron Dome.[91]
Two rockets exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council.[92]
A rocket exploded near Netivot, while another landed near Sderot.[93]
Shortly before 2 pm, a Qassam rocket exploded in a farm in the Eshkol Regional Council.[94]
Two rockets hit the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council within the space of an hour.[95]
Two rockets hit the Eshkol Regional Council.[96]
Two rockets fired at Ashdod were intercepted by Iron Dome. The Color Red alarm sounded in the city.[97]
After nightfall, shrapnel from a rocket intercepted over Ashkelon by Iron Dome fell on a home in the city.[98]
A rocket landed near a farming facility in the Be'er Tuvia Regional Council.[99]
A Qassam rocket hit a stable near Kiryat Malachi, killing a horse.[100]
Two Grad rockets were fired at Ashkelon.[99]
Five rockets exploded in open areas in the Eshkol Regional Council.[101]
March 11
Palestinians fired at least 39 rockets into Israel.[102]

In the morning, two rockets were fired into Israel, one into the Eshkol Regional Council and one at Ashkelon.[103]
Later in the morning, several rockets were fired at Ashdod, at least one of which was intercepted by Iron Dome.[104]
Shrapnel from a rocket fired at Beersheba and intercepted by Iron Dome fell on the city. A vehicle and a sewer pipe were damaged and several residents suffered from shock.[105]
A rocket hit a school in Beersheba,[106] exploding in its courtyard and damaging its outer walls and disconnecting parts of the neighborhood from landlines.[107] A second rocket landed in the middle of a residential neighborhood in the city; fifteen homes were damaged and several residents suffered from shock.[108]
Two rockets were launched at Ofakim.[109]
Three Qassam rockets exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council.[110]
Two rockets fired at Ashkelon were intercepted by Iron Dome.[111]
Two Qassam rockets landed in the Eshkol Regional Council.[112]
Late at night, four Grad rockets were fired at Ashkelon. Some were intercepted by Iron Dome.[113][114]
March 12
Palestinians fired 42 rockets into Israel.[115]

During the night, seven Qassam rockets were fired into the Eshkol Regional Council. One landed in a village and damaged several homes and vehicles.[116][117][118]
In the morning, three rockets were fired at Beersheba. One was intercepted by Iron Dome and the two others landed outside the city. A warning siren sounded in the city.[119]
In the morning, five rockets fired at Ashdod were intercepted by Iron Dome. At least one additional rocket landed near the city. The Color Red alarm sounded in the city and surrounding areas.[120][121]
Two trucks that were transporting goods from Israel into the Gaza Strip were damaged by mortar shells on the Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom border crossing.[122]
A Qassam rocket landed in the Eshkol Regional Council.[123]
Two Qassam rockets landed in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council.[124]
Around 1 pm, two Grad rockets exploded near Beersheba. Air raid sirens sounded in the city.[125]
Around 1:30 pm, a Qassam rocket fired from the northern Gaza Strip exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council.[126]
Around 1:30 pm, one or two rockets landed near Gedera. Two vehicles were damaged, and several people suffered from shock.[127][128]
Around 2:30 pm, three rockets exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council.[129]
Around 2:30 pm, a rocket exploded in Ashdod. Two people were injured by shrapnel, and several other people suffered from shock. Damage was to caused to stores and a vehicle.[130][131] Two other rockets fired at the city were intercepted by Iron Dome.[132]
Around 4:30 pm, a rocket exploded near Ofakim.[133]
Around 5 pm, a rocket fired at Ashdod was intercepted by Iron Dome.[134]
Around 6:30 pm, two rockets exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council.[135]
Around 8 pm, two rockets fired at Ashkelon were intercepted by Iron Dome. A third rocket landed in an open area.[136] Air raid sirens sounded in the city.[137]
Around 9 pm, two mortar shells were fired into Israel.[138]
Around 10 pm, a Qassam rocket exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council.[139]
March 13
Despite an informal ceasefire, Palestinians fired at least 7 rockets and 10 mortars at Israel.[53]

Before morning, a rocket exploded in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council.[140]
In the morning, a mortar shell landed in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.[141]
In the morning, a Qassam rocket exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council.[142]
Around 10:30 am, a mortar shell fired at the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council set off the Color Red alarm in the area, but it apparently landed within the Gaza Strip.[143]
Around noon, six mortar shells were fired into the Eshkol Regional Council.[144][145]
Around 7 pm, a Qassam rocket was fired into the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.[146]
Around 8 pm, a mortar shell was fired into the Eshkol Regional Council.[147]
Around 11 pm, a rocket exploded in a parking lot in Netivot. A 40-year-old man was injured by shrapnel, and 20[148] people were treated for shock. Several vehicles were damaged.[149]
March 14
Around 7 pm, a Grad rocket fired at Beersheba was intercepted by Iron Dome. A second rocket landed in an empty field. Neither projectile caused injuries or damage.[150] Following the attack, local authorities announced that schools in Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beersheba, Kiryat Gat, Kiryat Malachi, Gan Yavne and the Bnei Shimon Regional Council would be closed for March 15. Some schools had been open on March 14 after the recent escalation was perceived as having ended.[151] Israel responded to the attack with air strikes on an infiltration tunnel and a rocket launching site.[152]

March 15
Palestinians fired a barrage of rockets into Israel. The attacks were praised by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, who, in a Hezbollah graduation ceremony, lauded that fact that "the resistance was able to force a million and half a million of Israelis to stay in shelters".[153] Details of individual attacks:

In the morning, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Sdot Negev Regional Council near Netivot.[154]
Several hours later, a Grad rocket fired at Beersheba was intercepted by Iron Dome. Air raid sirens sounded in the area.[155]
After nightfall, a Grad rocket fired at Ashdod was intercepted by Iron Dome, and air raid sirens sounded in the area.[156]
Around 9 pm, a rocket was fired into the Eshkol Regional Council.[157]
Around 9:30 pm, a rocket exploded in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.[158]
March 16–31

March 16
Before morning, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council.[159]

March 19
In the morning, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[160]

March 20
In the morning, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[161]

March 21
In the evening, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. Later, a mortar shell was fired into the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council. This was followed moments later by a second mortar shell fired at Israel Defense Forces soldiers near the border fence. No injuries or damage were reported in any of the attacks.[162][163][164]

March 29
In the evening, Palestinians fired three mortar shells into the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[165]


In April, according to the Israel Security Agency's monthly summary, Palestinians launched 10 rockets at Israel in 9 separate attacks. Two of these rockets were launched from the Sinai in Egypt.[166]

April 4
Main article: Rocket attacks on Eilat and Aqaba#April 4, 2012
After nightfall, unidentified terrorists in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula fired 3 Grad missiles at the resort town of Eilat on Israel's Red Sea coast. No physical injuries or damage were reported, but some residents suffered from shock.[167][168][169][170]

April 7
Israel aircraft attacked Gaza militants just as they were about to launch rockets into Israel, injuring two.[171]

April 8
In the morning, Palestinians fired two Qassam rockets into the Sdot Negev Regional Council, near Netivot, causing no injuries or damage.[172][173]

In the evening, a Palestinians rocket fired at Sderot landed in an open area, causing no injuries or damage. The Color Red alarm sounded in the city.[174]

April 14
The Ayman Judah Brigades, a division of Fatah, the party that controls the Palestinian Authority, said they fired a rocket into Israel after nightfall. However, the Israel Defense Forces said that no rocket landed in Israel at that time.[175] The Gaza NGO Safety Office, a project of CARE International, reported that a rocket fired at that time from east of Jabalia exploded prematurely.[176]

April 15
Palestinians fired Qassam rockets into the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council and the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported in either attack.[177][178]

April 22


Y sigue, porque no cabia:

July 18
In the evening, Palestinians fired two rockets at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[64]
July 21
Around 10 pm, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. The rocket landed in open area, causing no injuries or damage. The Color Red alarm sounded.[65]
July 24
Around 10 am, Palestinians fired two mortar shells at the Eshkol Regional Council. The mortars landed within the Gaza Strip and caused no injuries or damage. The Color Red alarm did not sound.[66][67]
July 30
On the day that Israel and the Palestinian Authority resumed peace talks after a three-year hiatus, Palestinians launched a rocket into the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council, triggering sirens in the region. No injuries or damage were reported.[68]

In August, Palestinians launched 4 rockets at Israel in 3 separate attacks. A fifth rocket was launched from the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.[69]
August 13
In the evening, Palestinians fired two rockets at Sderot. One exploded in an open area outside the city, triggering sirens, and another fell within the Gaza Strip. No injuries or damage were reported. The incident occurred just as Israel was releasing, as a concession in the renewed peace talks, a group of Palestinian prisoners convicted of murder, and less than 24 hours after Islamist militants in Egypt fired a Grad rocket at the Israeli resort town of Eilat.[70][71] Israel responded with air strikes on rocket launching sites in the northern Gaza Strip.[72]

In September, Palestinians fired eight rockets at Israel in 3 attacks.[73]
September 19
Shortly after 2 am, as Israelis were celebrating the holiday of Sukkot, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, triggering the Code Red alarm throughout the area. No injuries were reported.[74]
September 28
Around 1 am, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, near the Ashkelon port. The Code Red alarm sounded and no injuries or damage were reported.[75][76]

In October, Palestinians fired three rockets and two mortar shells at Israel Israel in three separate attacks.[77]
October 9
Around 1 am, Palestinians fired a rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. The Code Red alarm sounded and no injuries or damage were reported.[78][79]
October 27
At 1:15 pm, Palestinians fired two rockets into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[80][81]
October 28
Around 5 am, Palestinians fired two rockets into the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council and the city of Ashkelon. One rocket was shot down by the Iron dome system, the second fell in an open area. The Code Red alarm sounded and no injuries or damage were reported.[82][83] The attack coincided with the publication of a list of 26 Palestinian prisoners convicted of murdering Israelis who were to be released by Israel as a good faith measure towards the Palestinian Authority.[84][85] Israel responded to the attack with air strikes on two rocket launchers in the Gaza Strip.[86][87] .


Hay que reconocer que estos palestinos son buenos con la propaganda politica. Se montan sus historietas como esta y manipulan a los progres occidentales como quieren.


Espero que algún francotirador israelí sepa lo que tiene que hacer con el puto balón.


#6 No. Es mejor un francotirador armado con un Barret M82 con mira teléscópica y calibre 12,7. Te lo aseguro.