Hace 12 años | Por rojo_separatist... a es.kke.gr
Publicado hace 12 años por rojo_separatista a es.kke.gr

A través de esta acción simbólica, el KKE hace un llamamiento a la clase obrera, a los sectores populares pobres y a la juventud a entrar en la lucha decisiva con el lema general “Abajo la dictadura de los monopolios-de la UE” y exigir “Abajo el gobierno, retirada de la UE, cancelación unilateral de la deuda con el Poder Popular”.



Es mucho más interesante la noticia sobre lo ocurrido ayer en el parlamento: http://inter.kke.gr/News/news2012/2012-02-13-info

“You are literally trying to subjugate the minds of the people who suffer, of the poor people by means of an unprecedented ideological intimidation. Excuse me, I do not identify you with him, but Goebbels would be envious of you. A big bankruptcy is coming! Whom are you talking to? To the people who have already been bankrupted? No, we are not interested in a Greece which will have been saved and the people will have been bankrupted. […]Since the morning you have been continuously talking about destruction even about civil war[… ]Even the state television suddenly remembered the civil war […] We will answer when the time comes. But you are accountable when you pose such issues to the people. You have the deadlines of the Troika and the Commission. And I am saying that such ultimatums were not issued even on the eve of world wars. […] You are provoking us.

We have been listening to you all day talking about war, telling us that we will have no pensions, that we will receive vouchers, or I don’t know what and at the end you are talking about civil war. Now who is triggering the situation? We have our limits. We are polite but we are not stupid. […] Therefore we say to the people the following: the deep bankruptcy will come, either with the euro or the drachma, we cannot know this in advance.


βίβα λα ρεβολουσιον


Igualito que aquí. Vamos que por un casual nos subimos a la Alhambra, por poner un ejemplo, y la solfa de ostias que nos cae, sería minina. La noticia sería que unos vándalos indignados asaltan la Alhambra, que si el juego democrático, que si las pertinentes autorizaciones, que bla, bla ,bla.
Viva la lucha del pueblo Griego.