Hace 9 años | Por Ka0 a microsiervos.com
Publicado hace 9 años por Ka0 a microsiervos.com

Como tras el sorteo del Niño la inmensa mayoría seguiremos teniendo más o menos el mismo dinero que antes de su celebración, y ahora que ya está todo el pescado vendido, es un buen momento para recordar aquello de que la lotería es un impuesto sobre la ignorancia matemática de la gente…



Imagenes para esceptipredicar....


Yo tampoco he jugado , ni en el sorteo de navidad ni en este. No suelo jugar. Las pocas veces que lo he hecho ha sido casi "por compromiso" .


#7 no hay que reconocerlo, hay que cobrarlo. Que tiene que estar depositado ante notario? como las pruebas de que la homeopatía funciona! no te joroba...


#9 Falacia ad-crumenam entonces. Randi es un estafador, pedofilo (¿ya nadie se acuerda de Paidika Journal y los primeros libros de Prometeus Books?), neodarwinista social (él lo admite incluso en el libro The unpersuadables adventures with the enemies of science) es curioso que participará en el grupo Nature durante el Dictadura del silencio de Maddox quien buscaba escándalo para darle publicidad a la revista británica. ¿
¿Qué pruebas de que la homeopatía no funciona? Te reto a que pongas 20 metaanálisis que indiquen contundemente y sin ambigüedades que no funciona, 20. ¿No puedes hacer eso tan sencillo?


#10 que no, que sois vosotros los que teneis que demostrar que el agua sola cura, eres tu queine me tiene que decir cuales son los virus del higado del pato, eres tu el que debes demostrar como puede ser que cuando no hay nada, funciona.
yo me quedo con la ciencia, tu con la magia


#13 No sabia que se tenía que demostrar que "el agua sola cura".
Los virus del higado del pato te deje el enlace en el otro hilo, es tu problema si no lees.
Te deje los enlaces donde están las hipótesis, vengan no los lees.
No, tu no eres dueño de la ciencia eres un chanta.


#13 Ok, en el primer punto se indica que el movimiento seudoescéptico es una estafa, un lobby.

1)-->Does meta-analysis solve the issue of efficacy of homeopathy? (FACT)
`This evidence has frequently been distorted by academics and sceptics to fit a specific recommendation for treatment. Two academic groups repeated the metaanalyses showing benefit and deliberately created a type II error by excluding more than 95% of the data. Such a manoeuvre is a stretch, and even more so when the sequential exclusion procedure is impossible to follow. Overlooking 90% of the double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trials does not help, as homeopathy will then still do better than placebo. Such evidence can hardly be called anecdotal... A summer campaign by the sceptics movement in 2011 claimed that not one single study has ever shown that homeopathy is superior to placebo. Others published a severely biased selection of the literature to support their point. On doing so, they apparently believed that they gave science a helping hand. I think they did just the opposite.´

2)--> The duck genome and transcriptome provide insight into an avian influenza virus reservoir species (Nature genetics).

-->Oscillococcinum for influenza treatment (Ann Inst)}

`Oscillococcinum is a unique, original and patented homeopathic medicine produced by Laboratoires Boiron. It is prepared as a Korsakovian dilution (200K) of a specific extract of duck liver and heart. For the preparation of Korsakovian dilutions, Laboratoires Boiron use a patented, fully automated machine designed to ensure perfect reproducibility of dilutions.´

-->OSCILLOCOCCINUM homeopático para la prevención y tratamiento de la influenza y de los síndromes parecidos a la influenza (Cochrane)

`El fármaco se elabora a partir del corazón e hígado de patos salvajes, considerados como reservorios del virus de la influenza... La influenza (la gripe) es una enfermedad altamente infecciosa causada por virus... La homeopatía es un sistema
que se basa en "ser curado por los análogos", a menudo por medio de la utilización de
sustancias altamente diluidas. El oscillococcinum es una preparación homeopática elaborada a partir del corazón e hígado de patos salvajes (fuentes comunes de la influenza).´

3)¿Seguro que no hay nada?

-->Why Extreme Dilutions Reach Non-zero Asymptotes: A Nanoparticulate Hypothesis Based on Froth Flotation (Langmuir)

`On the basis of the results from our experiments, we have unequivocally shown that nanoparticles can be concentrated on the liquid surface in a manner similar to the traditional froth-flotation process used in the metal ore purification of larger particles´

-->Nanosized solvent superstructures in ultramolecular aqueous dilutions: twenty years’ research using water proton NMR relaxation (Homeopathy - Journal of molecular liquids)

`Proton NMR relaxation managed to demonstrate physical modifications of the solvent throughout the low to ultramolecular range of dilution. The findings suggested the existence of nanosized (4-nm) superstructures which originate stereospecifically around the solute after an initial destructuring of the solvent, then develop more upon dilu- tion and persist beyond 12c´

4)--> A Gentle Ethical Defence of Homeopathy (Bioethical Inquiry)

`Utilitarian critiques of homeopathy that are founded on unsophisticated notions of evidence, that adopt narrow perspectives on health care assessment, and that overstate the personal, social, and ontological harms of homeopathy add little to our understanding of the epis- temology of medicine´

-->Evidence-based medicine and prejudice-based medicine: the case of homeopathy (Cad Saude Pub)

`In this article a critical perspective has been adopted to analyze the evidence in the field of health as a fact that expresses domination, prejudice, and the mistaken use of a tool.´

-->Beware Scientism's Onward March! (AJHM)

`Who are the New Fundamentalists? To be sure, there aren't many scientists who would wish to see themselves east in such a light. Indeed, the present scientistic clamour against homeopathy and most forms of complementary and altemative medicine (CAM) emanates from a small but highly voluble group of mainly biomedieally oriented scientists and media 'communicators´.


A mí me tocó devolución porque yo no jugué nada, cero. Que le den por culo al sorteo del Niño.


Se recomienda leer


¡A darle duro a los seudoescépticos!


Traduzco lo primero:

El escepticismo social (leasé seudoescepticismo corporativo) es un movimiento de activistas auspiciado para funcionar como parte integral de los mecanismos de ingeniería y mantenimiento del control del pensamiento humano, la salud, el bienestar y la educación. Este control funciona como medio para un fin, hacía la sujeción de los valores de la humanidad que pasan a ser comandadas por las instituciones totalitarias. Instituciones que fungen para beneficio de una élite social...


Genial, en dos "discusiones" anteriores en menéame los seudoescépticos quedaron hechos trizas, mientras tanto no pueden aún refutar ninguno de estos estudios (¡que decían que no existían!)

->Gelsemium analgesia and the spinal glycine receptor/allopregnanolone pathway

`There maybe some differences in traditional use among the three species. G. sempervirens Ait. has traditionally been used
to treat pain, asthma and respiratory ailments, in addition to homeopathy in low and even ultra-low dose´

->Reconstituted mother tinctures of Gelsemium sempervirens L. improve memory and cognitive impairment in mice scopolamine-induced

`Gelsemium sempervirens is also found to be effective as an anxiolytic agent at ultra-low dose. Homeopathic dilutions of Gelsemium sempervirens improved stress-induced behavioral disorders of mice in the staircase and light–dark (LD) tests as validated by recent reports dementia model´

->Extremely Low Doses of Arsenic Affect in vitro Pollen Germination

`Each dilution was succussed for 1 min and all preparations were poured in polyethylene bottles, letter-coded according to a blind protocol by a person not involved in the experiment...The study shows evidence of significant effects of treatments at low and ultra-high dilution level on pollen performance... Moreover, lacking the placebo ef-
fect and being available in large populations, pollen could be an experimental model appropriate to overcome the controversies about the efficacy of treatments at high dilution level on living matter.´

->The effect of post-burn local hyperthermia on the reducing burn injury: The possible role of opioids

`In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that post-burn local hyperthermia reduced the tissue damage and decreased iNOS expression in the second-degree burn wounds 24h after the burn injury. In addition, these findings suggest that the effects of post-burn local hyperthermia may be mediated via the endogenous opioid peptides and receptors.´

->Gene expression and highly diluted molecules

` The effect decreases with decreasing doses, but whole genome expression analysis made it possible to detect statistically significant changes even at extremely low doses and homeopathic dilutions´

->Inhibition of (–)-trans-(1S,2S)-U50488 Hydrochloride by Its Enantiomer in White Mice – a Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Study

`The same process was repeated until the 29th dilution or potency was reached. The 30th potency was prepared from the 29th in the same manner... Therefore the study confirms the hypothesized method whereby the toxicity of an optically active molecule may be decreased by administration of its enantiomer´

->Experimental Study of Correction of Endothelial Dysfunction Solutions Ultra-Low Doses of Antibodies

`The results of this study allow us to recommend the use of ultra-low doses of antibody solution to VEGF, a solution of ultra-low doses of antibodies to the C-terminal fragment of AT1 angiotensin II receptor for the prevention and correction of endothelial dysfunction as the main pathogenetic link cardiovascular disease. It is promising to study these solutions in combination with classical antihypertensive drugs´

->istopathological changes of renal tissue following sodium fluoride administration in two consecutive generations of mice. Correlation with the urinary elimination of fluoride

`Different sodium fluoride doses (homeopathic, allopathic–homeopathic and allopathic) produce some pathological aspects of the kidneys and influence the urinary elimination of fluoride in two consecutive generations of mice´

>Lowdoses of sequential-kinetic-activated interferon-γ enhance the ex vivo cytotoxicity of peripheral blood natural killer cells from patients with early-stage colorectal cancer. A preliminary study

`SKA-IFN-γ was prepared by GUNA Laboratories (GUNA S.p.a, Milan, Italy) using the standardized method. IFN-γ underwent a shaking process (vertical shaking; 10 cm motion range; shaking speed corresponding to 100 oscillations over 10 s), sequentially diluted in saline solution (serial dilution 1:100) and kinetically energized by a mechanically- applied force...In conclusion, although the significance of the present ex vivo study is somewhat limited due to the small number of donor patients,nevertheless SKA-IFN-γ, by virtue of its biological activity at lowphysiological-range doses, most certainly deserves further investigation, in view of its possible future in-vivo use as an innovative and safe cancer immunotherapeutic approach.´

->Stimulation of survival capacity in heat shocked cells by subsequent exposure to minute amounts of chemical stressors; role of similarity in hsp-inducing effects

`Interestingly, the degree in which low doses of chemical stressors exert their stimulatory action appears to correlate significantly with the degree of similarity in the hsp patterns induced by first and second stressor´

->Amtifilarial effect of artemisa nilagirica extract and its ultra high dilutions against canie dirofilariasis

`Electronic spectra of Cinaθ, Cina 200 and Cina 1000 showed comparable absorbance with the latter two giving a blue shift. Cinaθin CCI、 showed a red shift suggesting molecular complexation and charge transfer (CT) interaction between aqueous ethanol and compounds of A. nilagirica. CT was further evidenced by the NMR spectra of the deuterium nuclei of Cinaθin 90%ethanol. NMR spectra of Cinaθ, Cina 200, Cina 1000 and 90%ethanol indicated a change in the solution structure of Cina 200 and Cina 1000. This altered solution structure is thought to be responsible for inducing immune reaction of the hosts against the parasite´

->Effects of Nanostructured Additives on Boundary Lubrication for Potential Artificial Joint Applications

`Water-based fluids containing nanostructured fullerene C 60 and 18-crown ether-6 were
investigated... Results showed that the addition of fullerene nanoballs to water could reduce the friction coefficients, particularly in the boundary lubrication regime.´

->Action of the External Electromagnetic Field Is the Condition of Nanoassociate Formation in Highly Diluted Aqueous Solutions

`Thus, we showed that two interrelated processes formation of nanoassociates and appearance of “anomalous” nonlinear concentration dependences of physicochemical properties of highly diluted solutions—occur under the action of weak external elec? tromagnetic fields, which ensure a continuous energy input to the system from the outside.´

What is Homeopathy? An Introduction

->`There is a significant and growing body of scientific endeavour around homeopathy which has generated some challenging results. It is, at least a scientific anomaly around which there is no consensus and therefore deserving of further investigation´


#3 si nos has destrozado a argumentos y retórica, todavía no os habéis contado ese millón de dólares que os podréis cobrar cuando hagáis un ensayo clínico a doble ciego con placebo supervisado. El payaso aquí eres tu, deja de insultar la inteligencia de los demás


#6 Pues sí, me da gusto que lo reconozcas. Ahora del millón de Randi ¿sabías que nadie reconoce ese premio fuera del corporativo seudoescéptico? A ver si lees las reglas del One millon change que claramente dice que si ganas el premio no significa prácticamente nada más, porque las pruebas se publican en revistas y canales de comunicación científico. Por lo demás, te he puesto esos estudios doble ciego supervisados no por magos payasos sino por científicos.



->Randi's Prize: What Sceptics Say about the Paranormal, Why They Are Wrong and Why It Matters



#6 Ahora eres tú el que me tiene que demostrar que no existe ningún ni un estudio científico tal como afirmaste en otros posts:

"si te pasas por la literatura científica, no hay ni un artículo que la demuestre, ni la seria ni la no seria. Excluyo aquí un tal Journal of homeopatic medicin, que creo que es bastante sesgado... si se aporta un granito de arena al debate (pero no lo vayamos a diluir demasiado, no sea que al final nos quede homeopático), me doy por satisfecho. Gracias"

Link tus mentiras: homeopatia-historia-fraude/c010#c-10

Hace 9 años | Por toni.torres a cienciahistorica.com


Es patológico que menéame permita la difusión de las tonterías de los payasos dizque escépticos. Ojalá pronto se denuncie, oh espera ya se hace (apreciar la genial imagen):
