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Why Lee Smolin is an immoral double-faced fraudster and liar
August 23, 2009
Every competent high-energy physicist who knows Lee Smolin may confirm that Smolin is the ultimate symbol of the complete absence of the scientific integrity and, indeed, the very basic human ethical values.

David Gross discusses some experience with a double-faced Lee Smolin - concerning AdS/CFT and background independence - in their discussion with journalist George Johnson. It was the very first public video from which the laymen could learn that the top physicists consider Lee Smolin to be a crackpot - a fact that would be completely hidden if the information only depended on the journalists.

More worrisome and persistent stories are often told by A.S., A.V., R.B., and many other big shots.

But what he's doing and saying after the Fermi collaborations have proved that all the "theories" he has ever invented about quantum gravity were rubbish simply exceeds all the limits that could be tolerable for a person who should be allowed to freely walk on the street.

After many years when he was boasting about his "falsifiable predictions" of loop quantum gravity (Lee has even become a template for Leslie Winkle in an award-winning sitcom) that were moreover completely "generic", and when he was using these "predictions" to sling mud on the top research in high-energy physics, namely string theory, he has turned his coat.

Quite suddenly, everything is different. There have never been any predictions, he says. Let's compare what he said about loop quantum gravity e.g. for edge.org and what he's writing these days. Edge.org:

When we first worked out the predictions for these smallest units of area and volume, we had no idea that they would be observable in real experiments in our lifetime. However, a number of people—beginning with Rodolfo Gambini, of the University of the Republic in Montevideo, and Jorge Pullin, then at Penn State—showed that there are indeed observable consequences. At about the same time, Amelino-Camelia and others were pointing out that if there were such effects, they would be detectable in experiments involving cosmic rays and gamma-ray bursts. These effects are caused by light scattering off the discrete structure of the quantum geometry, analogous to diffraction and refraction from light scattering off the molecules of the air or liquid it passes through. The quantum gravity effect is tiny—many orders of magnitude smaller than that due to matter. However, we observe light from gamma-ray bursts—huge explosions, possibly caused by mergers of binary neutron stars or black holes—that has traveled across the universe for some 10 billion light-years. Over such long distances, the small effects amplify to the point where they can be observed. Because elementary particles travel as waves in quantum theory, the same thing happens to such particles—protons and neutrinos, for example. It is possible that these effects may be responsible for the surprises I mentioned in the observations of very-high-energy cosmic rays.

Now, here is the really interesting part: Some of the effects predicted by the theory appear to be in conflict with one of the principles of Einstein's special theory of relativity, the theory that says that the speed of light is a universal constant. It's the same for all photons, and it is independent of the motion of the sender or observer.

How is this possible, if that theory is itself based on the principles of relativity? The principle of the constancy of the speed of light is part of special relativity, but we quantized Einstein's general theory of relativity. Because Einstein's special theory is only a kind of approximation to his general theory, we can implement the principles of the latter but find modifications to the former. And this is what seems to be happening!

So Gambini, Pullin, and others calculated how light travels in a quantum geometry and found that the theory predicts that the speed of light has a small dependence on energy. Photons of higher energy travel slightly slower than low-energy photons. The effect is very small, but it amplifies over time. Two photons produced by a gamma-ray burst 10 billion years ago, one redder and one bluer, should arrive on Earth at slightly different times. The time delay predicted by the theory is large enough to be detectable by a new gamma-ray observatory called GLAST (for Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope), which is scheduled for launch into orbit in 2006. We very much look forward to the announcement of the results, as they will be testing a prediction of a quantum theory of gravity.


#18 Un post muy largo para decir "magufo".

Lo de la velocidad dependiendo de la frecuencia es un experimento que ya se hizo. No hay variación. Esto lo veo totalmente correcto. Cualquier hipótesis capaz de plantear una predicción medible es una buena hipótesis, aunque resulte luego ser falsa. Cayó, pero cayó como se debe caer.


Los cristianos (protestantes) lo apoyaban. Qué tiempos !!

Obituary in the Tageszeitung' of 12 July 2008, as a "meritorious fighter for a permissive sexual morality". Protestant-church authorities expressed a similar opinion. In an obituary the Study Centre for Protestant Youth Work pointed out Kentler's controversial positions, but nevertheless acknowledged his impulses for "institutional structure and professional socialisation" and the attempts to make homosexuality socially acceptable in the church.


15.000 m2 en el mejor sitio de Madrid propiedad de las Hermanitas de los pobres...en Almagro esquina a Zurbarán a 7.000€/m2 ¿Dónde encuentran un pobre en ese barrio?. !Qué sentido del humor tiene la iglesia y sus monjitas!


Esto no tiene que ver con ninguna "guerra cultural" como lo vende la iglesia vaticana.
El patrimonio religioso vaticano lleva ardiendo desde siempre. Pero la iglesia vaticana prefiere gastar los millones que recibe del Estado en televisiones deficitarias (millones) y en aparatosas visitas propangadísticas papales.
Frente a este patrimonio "olvidado" tenemos el patrimonio vaticano en las principales ciudades que es inmenso también y ese si está cuidado ya que suelen ser colegios privados (concertados, claro) en barrios exclusivos (no en Vallecas o Usera en Madrid o Ciutat Meridiana y Trinitat Nova en Barcelona). Basta recorrer el barrio de Chamberí para ver manzanas enteras ocupadas por estos colegios o en las nuevas urbanizaciones de Las Rozas y Aravaca o Pedralbes y La Bonanova. Hay una iglesia rica y otra pobre. O mejor dicho: una para ricos y otra para pobres.


Otro chiflado famoso yankee haciéndose publicidad con otra tontería similar
Alex Berenson is a former reporter for The New York Times and the author of several thriller novels and a book on corporate financial filings. His 2019 book Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence sparked controversy, earning denunciations from many in the scientific and medical communities along with more positive reviews.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Berenson vocally argued that people and the media were overestimating the risk of the new virus, that it posed little risk to young Americans, and that it was being used as a cover for government overreach. Public health experts have disputed his claims.


Sin dar ni quitar mérito al artículo, resulta que su contenido se parece bastante al artículo en inglés de Wikipedia sobre el asunto...yo diría que lo ha sacado de ahí, y ponen a caldo al inglés Robert Venables.

The expedition set sail in December 1654, reached Barbados at the end of January, where additional forces were embarked, and arrived at Hispaniola on 13 April. A landing was effected with about eight thousand men some forty miles west of the capital, and the army marched through the woods to attack it. After suffering two disastrous defeats from the Spaniards on 17 and 25 April, Venables, complaining loudly of the cowardice of his men, decided to give up the attempt, and sailed for Jamaica. That island was reached on 10 May, the chief town occupied with very little fighting, and the governor forced to capitulate on 17 May. The Spaniards retired into the woods and hills, whence they continued their resistance; the expedition was badly equipped with provisions and other necessaries, and sickness decimated the ranks of the army.


Dayan, bot del Mosad y orígen de esta basura


Vaya cara dura !!! Lo dice un tipo de un país que entra en el Retiro y tiene dos calles llenas de bancos para blanquear a delincuentes con una ley que hizo él. Vaya elemento, lo peor que hemos tenido.


#5 Información de primera mano sobre el sistema político y económico de Chile.
CHILE- Tragedia Histórico, Político,Económico y Social de la Protesta y Perspectivas del Conflicto
Héctor Izaguirre, psiquiatra chileno-argentino, con militancia política


#19 El orígen de esta ridícula noticia es un twitter de un chino (twitter está prohibida en China?) que huele a tomadura de pelo. La tal noticia no la reproduce ningún medio serio ni es posible rastrearla en Google !porque no existe!

Cuenta twitter

Pig blood
Extreme anti-communist anti-Buddha anti-Greenery warriors, executioners, swearing, misbehavior, Christian friends, please listen carefully.
People's Republic of China
Fecha de nacimiento: 4 de junio de 1989
Se unió el febrero de 2011
1.771 Siguiendo
1.322 seguidores
The servant of a certain people fell off! The former mayor of Ganzhou City (Jiangxi), the secretary of the former municipal party committee of Sanya City (Hainan), the former party secretary of Haikou City (Hainan), Zhang Qi (Anhui, a member of the Communist Party of China, 57 years old), September 6th. The number of yellow brick and gold bars in its homes is staggering, with a cash of 13.5 tons. In addition, I found that the unidentified funds of the book were 268 billion yuan, and more than a thousand square meters of luxury houses. Once again, the record has been refreshed, which has made our people stunned. Poverty once again limits our imagination!


Una gran mentira. El ex-alcalde Wan fue detenido en 2014 por robar USD
16 millones y fue condenado a cadena perpetua y allí sigue.
Wan Qingliang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wan_Qingliang
Mayor of Guangzhou In office 16 April 2010 – 20 December 2011

In June 2014, the Communist Party's anti-corruption agency announced that Wan was held for investigation.[1] Wan was expelled from Communist Party of China on October 9, 2014. He was convicted on criminal charges related to taking 111.25 million yuan ($16.5 million) in bribes, and sentenced to life in prison