Hace 13 años | Por tsumy a cienciakanija.com
Publicado hace 13 años por tsumy a cienciakanija.com

La Tierra y Titán tienen gruesas atmósferas ricas en nitrógeno, por lo que las atmósferas de la Tierra y Titán deben haberse formado de formas similares. Seguramente lo hicieron a partir de impactos cometarios.



¿Atmósferas gemelas? Si, si, igualicas igualicas...


#3 ¿Quién ha muerto? ¿Qué le gustaba? ¿A quién no tengo que votar, a la atmósfera de la Tierra o a la de Titán?

#2 http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.4198
Earth and Titan are two planetary bodies formed far from each other. Nevertheless the chemical composition of their atmospheres exhibits common indications of being produced by the accretion, plus ulterior in-situ processing of cometary materials. This is remarkable because while the Earth formed in the inner part of the disk, presumably from the accretion of rocky planetesimals depleted in oxygen and exhibiting a chemical similitude with enstatite chondrites, Titan formed within Saturn's sub-nebula from oxygen- and volatile-rich bodies, called cometesimals. From a cosmochemical and astrobiological perspective the study of the H, C, N, and O isotopes on Earth and Titan could be the key to decipher the processes occurred in the early stages of formation of both planetary bodies. The main goal of this paper is to quantify the presumable ways of chemical evolution of both planetary bodies, in particular the abundance of CO and N2 in their early atmospheres. In order to do that the primeval atmospheres and evolution of Titan and Earth have been analyzed from a thermodynamic point of view. The most relevant chemical reactions involving these species and presumably important at their early stages are discussed. Then we have interpreted the results of this study in light of the results obtained by the Cassini-Huygens mission on these species and their isotopes. Given that H, C, N and O were preferentially depleted from inner disk materials that formed our planet, the observed similitude of their isotopic fractionation, and subsequent close evolution of Earth's and Titan's atmospheres points towards a cometary origin of Earth atmosphere. Consequently, our scenario also supports the key role of late veneers (comets and water-rich carbonaceous asteroids) enriching the volatile content of the Earth at the time of the Late Heavy Bombardment of terrestrial planets.


#2 Sí, atmósferas gemelas, pero no en el tiempo. La atmósfera de Titán es muy parecida a la de la Tierra antes de que se "cociera" la vida. De ahí viene esa comparación. El porqué no ha sucedido lo mismo allí, es por la diferencia de temperatura entre la Tierra y Titán debido a la distancia al Sol.

Nota de orgullo nacional: fue un astrónomo español quien lo estudió.


Al menos nos queda el consuelo de que murió haciendo lo que más le gustaba: #nolesvotes.


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