Hace 12 años | Por Remenad0r a zerohedge.com
Publicado hace 12 años por Remenad0r a zerohedge.com

Operación del Empire State rebelión está de vuelta. Es realmente el tiempo para asegurarse de que todos los puntos de acceso externo a FedWire y FedLine son realmente seguros. Será muy triste si se descubre que esta fuente de externa portal de acceso a cientos de miles de millones en fondos de emergencia de la Fed se ha comprometido de alguna manera. Imagínese la pérdida de confianza en el sistema ... [...] Traducción de Google Translate


* The Federal Reserve's policies are systematically looting the country to enrich one-tenth of one percent of the population.
* The Federal Reserve has deliberately driven tens of millions of people into poverty.
* The Federal Reserve is responsible for Crimes Against Humanity!
* The Federal Reserve gave trillions of American taxpayer dollars, in secrecy, to the people who were most responsible for causing our economic crisis.
* Our tax dollars were handed out as all-time record-breaking bonuses to top executives at the “Too Big to Fail” global banks.
* The Federal Reserve gave American taxpayer dollars to foreign banks and corporations.
* The Federal Reserve directly subsidized tax evasion by funneling taxpayer dollars into to the Cayman Islands.
* The Federal Reserve gave American tax dollars to their primary dealer banks, so the banks could then lend that same money back to the US government at higher interest rates, leading to significant profits for the banks, at the further expense of the American public.
* Through bailout programs the Federal Reserve socialized financial losses onto American taxpayers and privatized profits into the hands of global banks.
* The Federal Reserve aids and abets trillions of dollars in accounting fraud.
* The Federal Reserve routinely manipulates the stock market.
* The Federal Reserve deliberately caused inflation in the price of food, gas and basic necessities, while devaluing the dollar!
* The Federal Reserve represents the central planning force behind a global banking cartel that has deliberately impoverished people throughout the world.


#0 Hay que poner el titular en español.


* La Reserva Federal está secuestrada.